Blazing Star (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Blazing Star
  • Blazing Star item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage140 (Melee)
Knockback10 (Extremely strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipSpins around with the force of a star
Knocks enemies in the direction you're facing
Has a chance to reflect basic projectiles when spun
Grants BuffStorm's Additions Mod/ReflectionReflection
Inflicts DebuffDaybrokenDaybroken
Debuff duration10 seconds
RarityRarity level: 10
Attacking enemies with the The Blazing Star
Reflecting Projectiles with the The Blazing Star

The Blazing Star is a unique melee spinner weapon obtained from the Solar Pillar drops. When the use button is held down the weapon spins around the player very quickly and deals damage and knockback to any enemies nearby.

Projectile reflection

Right clicking while spinning the weapon will cause it to spin faster and reflect most projectiles back at enemies, damaging them. The reflection window lasts for 30 frames and has a 0.5 second cool down between uses.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Blazing StarBlazing Star
Ancient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator


  • This weapon can damage enemies behind the player, but will knock them over the player with a high chance of them hitting the player while doing so.
  • An explosion sound is played upon hitting an enemy.
  • Reflected projectiles damage scales with difficulty.
  • A swing sound effect will play when the reflection cool down timer is over.