Asteroid Blaster (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Asteroid Blaster
  • Asteroid Blaster item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage40 (Ranged)
Knockback2 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time8 (Insanely fast)
Tooltip50% Chance not to consume Ammo
Fires out 2 bullets per shot
RarityRarity level: 9
The Asteroid Blaster firing out 2 bullets per shot

The Asteroid Blaster is a post plantera automatic gun with a 50% chance not to consume ammo. The gun fires out 2 bullets per shot that have a some what large spread.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Asteroid BlasterAsteroid Blaster
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil


  • It has a higher accuracy than the chain gun, but half the fire rate and double the bullets.
  • Due to the fact it fires out 2 bullets every shot, it effectively makes the weapon consume 1 ammo for every 4 bullets fired.