Ancient Revolver (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Ancient Revolver
  • Ancient Revolver item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage9 (Ranged)
Knockback2 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time6 (Insanely fast)
TooltipFires a burst of 6 bullets with only the first shot consuming ammo
Needs time to reload between bursts
RarityRarity level: 1
 Obtained from
Underground Desert enemies11%
Sandstone ChestSandstone Chest125%
Oasis CrateOasis Crate110%
Mirage CrateMirage Crate110%

The Ancient Revolver is a pre-hardmode gun that can be found in Sandstone chests, and is also uncommonly dropped from enemies native to the Underground Desert. The gun fires a rapid burst of somewhat inaccurate 6 bullets, consuming only 1 ammo, and requires a 50 frame recharge time before the weapon can be fired again.


  • It firing 6 bullets in a burst is a reference to how most revolvers carry 6 bullets, and how they can be fired quickly in western styled movies.
Firing bullets with the Ancient revolver