Suspicious Looking Helmet (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Suspicious Looking Helmet
  • Suspicious Looking Helmet item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipSummons something unthinkable
Grants BuffStorm's Additions Mod/Baby Storm DiverBaby Storm Diver
Buff tooltipIt's not cute, it's not!!!
RarityRarity level: 10
 Obtained from
Storm DiverStorm Diver12%
Summons Pet

Baby Storm Diver

Baby Storm Diver Pet (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
The Baby Storm Diver Pet following the player

The Suspicious Looking Helmet is an item that summons a Baby Storm Diver pet. The pet hovers in place just behind to the player, and can fly quickly to keep up with the player. If it gets far enough away from the player it will change its animation and more particles will appear out of its jetpack.


  • The pet glows in the dark.
  • If equipped along side the Strange Twilight Hood the pets will switch places with each other whenever the player turns around.


  • The name of the pet item is a reference to other "suspicious looking" items in the game.