Shattered Crystal of Pain (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Shattered Crystal of Pain
Shattered Crystal of Pain Animated (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
AI TypeUnique
Damage0 (Melee)
140 / 220 / 300 (Skulls of pain)
Max Life30000 / 45000 / 60000
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused
The Shattered Crystals of pain orbiting the boss and firing out skulls

"Crystals formerly attached to the Painbringer that summon damaging skulls. Once the main boss has taken enough damage they separate from it and attack by themselves as a last resort."

The Shattered Crystal of Pain is an enemy summoned in a group of 4 by The Painbringer when it reaches its 4th phase. They will orbit the boss while firing out mini skulls of pain in the opposite direction of the boss, and will cycles between firing them slowly, and firing a rapid stream of them, pausing for a second between the attacks. Each time one is destroyed the remain ones will orbit at a faster speed, will shoot faster, and will fire out more projectiles in the first attack. They must all be killed for the boss to move onto its next phase. The velocity of the projectiles increase with the world difficulty.


  • They deal no contact damage.
  • All attacks are briefly telegraphed with a pinkish line that quick fades away, like the main boss.
  • If Calamity's Vengeance mode is enabled the enemy's health is multiplied by 1.25 and the damage of all attacks is multiplied by 1.33.
    • For Death mode the enemy's health is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of all attacks is multiplied by 1.66.


  • The crystals are visually attached to the main boss before they separate, and many of the bosses attacks appear from where they are located.
    • Although they are simply part of the bosses sprite and appear smaller, the actually enemies are only spawned on once the boss reaches its 4th phase.