Strange Twilight Hood (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Strange Twilight Hood
  • Strange Twilight Hood item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipSummons something unthinkable
Grants BuffStorm's Additions Mod/Twilight FigureTwilight Figure
Buff tooltipA strange hooded figure lights your way
RarityRarity level: 3
 Obtained from
Locked Gold ChestLocked Gold Chest120%
Golden Lock BoxGolden Lock Box120%
Any Dungeon Enemy10.1%
Summons Light Pets

Twilight Figure

Twilight Figure Pet (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
The Twilight pet following the player and teleporting to keep up

The Strange Twilight Hood is a light pet item that summons a Twilight Figure light pet that can be obtained from locked golden chests in the dungeon, or rarely dropped from any enemy in the dungeon. The pet hovers in front of the player, and will teleport to the player if it gets too far away.


  • If equipped along side the Suspicious Looking Helmet the pets will switch places with each other whenever the player turns around.


  • The teleportation effect of the pet is a reference to the armour set bonus it is based off of, Ancient Twilight Armor.