Necromancy (Aequus)

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NOTE: In the current version of Aequus for 1.4.4, Necromancy is temporarily disabled pending a rework. NONE OF THE CONTENT DESCRIBED HERE IS AVAILABLE IN-GAME.

Necromancy is a subclass of Summoner that converts and creates enemies to fight for the player. The friendly versions of enemies are normally called "Ghosts" or "Ghost minions". Ghosts share the same AI and attacks as their normal counterparts, however they deal a different amount of damage, have different movement speed, and are transparent with a colored aura. Ghost minions do not take damage, instead having a set duration that causes them to immediately disappear when it expires; they still treat this duration as health, however, and any appropriate thresholds for altered behavior will still apply.

Necromancy weapons are divided into two categories, Scepters and Candles. Scepters allow you to convert specific tiers of enemies into ghost, while Candles allow you to directly summon a specific enemy. Additionally, some minions may allow enemies to convert into a ghost on death. Any ghost minions will grant the Necromancy buff to the player; canceling it by right-clicking on it will instantly kill all of the player's ghosts.

By default, a player can only have a single ghost summoned at once. Various boosts can raise the player's ghost capacity ("slots"), allowing multiple simultaneous ghosts. With ghost cap boosts in effect, the same ghost can be summoned multiple times, or several different ghosts can be summoned. If the ghost cap later drops below the number of ghosts in use, the weakest ghosts are chosen and dismissed until the number of ghosts is below the current cap. Ghosts vanish when their player leaves the world, and are not re-summoned when the player re-enters that or another world.

File:Revenant (Aequus).png Scepters

Necromancy Scepters are unlike typical summon weapons, and instead act more like a traditional magic weapon. They consume mana and shoot a projectile, when this projectile hits an enemy, it will apply a debuff which deals damage over time. If the enemy is killed with the debuff applied, it will then be converted into a ghost. Damaging an enemy with multiple scepters will only stack their damage over time, and the highest tier scepter will take priority when calculating conversions. A converted enemy will still count as "killed", dropping any usual items and contributing towards banner drops; ghosts drop nothing when they expire.

Similarly to Whips, hitting an enemy with a Scepter's projectile will cause your minions to target it. Scepters themselves cannot activate whip tag effects, but ghost minions can.


Item Tier Damage Movement Speed Source Notes
Aequus/Zombie ScepterZombie Scepter 1 Weapon: 10
Debuff: 16 per second
Ghost: 20
Aequus/RevenantRevenant 2
  • Weapon: 40
  • Debuff: 24 per second
  • 48 per second when below 100 life
  • 400 per second when below 50 life
  • Ghost: 40
+100% Locked Gold ChestGolden Lock Box • Debuff deals more damage over time to low health enemies
Aequus/Friendship MagickFriendship Magick 2.33
  • Weapon: 0
  • Debuff: 0 per second
  • Ghost: 50
+0% • Heals enemies and friendly NPCs 1/5 of their life every 0.5 seconds
• Has a 1/5 chance to convert enemies with full life into ghosts.
• Ghosts created will not use any ghost slots, and will only live 1/10th of their full lifespan


Item Tier Damage Movement Speed Source Notes
Aequus/OsirisOsiris 3
  • Weapon: 75
  • Debuff: 40 per second
  • Ghost: 75
+125% Forbidden Fragment + 10 Adamantite Bar / Titanium Bar + 8 Soul of Night ( @Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil ) • Summons a swarm of locusts on hit which apply a damage over time debuff which can stack up to 20 damage per second
• Using the Hive Pack allows for larger locusts to spawn, which deal more damage and apply more damage over time
Aequus/InsurgencyInsurgency 4
  • Weapon: 125
  • Debuff: 120 per second
  • 200 per second when below 500 life
  • 1600 per second when below 200 life
  • Ghost: 125
+125% • The enemy hit will spawn a large skull which explodes into several bolts which will apply the Insurgency's conversion debuff
• Enemies with the Insurgency's conversion debuff will randomly spawn bolts which inflict the debuff
• The weapon is a huge nod to the Insurgent boss from the Split Mod

Light Eater (Aequus).png Candles

Candles are more like traditional summon weapons, creating a ghost minion at the location of your mouse cursor. When used they create a ritual point which takes 5 seconds to complete, only one per candle type can be summoned at once, and summoning more than one ritual will refresh the timer. Taking a hit will clear all rituals.


Item Ghost Damage Source Notes
Aequus/PhlegethonPhlegethon Blood ZombieBlood Zombie 20 -
Aequus/Light EaterLight Eater Eater of SoulsEater of Souls 14 Shadow Orb -
Aequus/Flesh LighterFlesh Lighter Blood CrawlerBlood Crawler 16 Crimson Heart -
Aequus/WretchednessWretchedness Cursed SkullCursed Skull 40 Locked Gold ChestGolden Lock Box • Visually appears to look like a Water Candle, however it doesn't increase enemy spawnrates when held
Aequus/PurgatoryPurgatory DemonDemon 40 Occultist (10) -


Item Ghost Damage Source Notes
Aequus/Fallen AngelFallen Angel PixiePixie 120 -
Aequus/Dragon's Last BreathDragon's Last Breath Phantasm DragonPhantasm Dragon 120 -

Brain Cauliflower (projectile) (Aequus).png Minions

Pre Hardmode

Item Tier Damage Ghost Movement Speed Source Notes
Aequus/Mindfungus StaffMindfungus Staff 1
  • Weapon: 9
  • Debuff: 8 dps (+4 dps per minion)
  • Ghost: 20
+0% 8 Crimtane Bar + 4 Vicious Mushroom ( @Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Aequus/Brainwave StaffBrainwave Staff 2
  • Weapon: 23
  • Debuff: n/a
  • Ghost: 40
  • 50% chance to convert tier 2 enemies with less than 700 total life and 50 defense into a ghost minion on-hit.


Item Tier Damage Ghost Movement Speed Source Notes
Aequus/Disturbance StaffDisturbance Staff 3
  • Weapon: 28
  • Debuff: n/a
  • Ghost: 60
  • 25% chance to convert tier 3 enemies into ghost minions after killing them.

Gravetender Hood (Aequus).png Boosting Items

In addition to the weapons themselves, Aequus provides a number of additional items that empower the player's necromancy abilities, including armor and accessories.


Item Effects Hardmode
Aequus/Gravetender armorGravetender armor
  • Gravetender Robes grant one additional ghost minion slot
  • Set bonus summons a wisp that empowers ghosts
Aequus/Seraphim armorSeraphim armor
  • Seraphim Hood grants one additional ghost minion slot
  • Seraphim Robes grant two additional ghost minion slots
  • Set bonus grants two additional ghost minion slots,
    instantly kills and converts powerful enemies into ghosts when the player is at low health,
    and provides damage reduction when the player has no ghosts


Item Effects Hardmode
Aequus/Shadow VeerShadow Veer
  • Ghosts will dash towards enemies
Aequus/Bloodied BucketBloodied Bucket
  • Ghosts last 1 minute longer
Aequus/Pandora's BoxPandora's Box
  • Scepter debuffs deal x2 damage
  • All projectiles created by ghosts will travel 50% faster
Aequus/Osseous RingOsseous Ring
  • Scepter debuffs deal x2 damage
  • All projectiles created by ghosts will travel 50% faster
  • 25*1/4 (25%) to inflict Weakness (Bone Hawk Ring) to enemies
Malediction (Aequus).gifMalediction
Aequus/Bottle O' SpiritsBottle O' Spirits
  • +1 ghost minion slot
Aequus/Keg O' SpiritsKeg O' Spirits
  • +1 ghost minion slot
  • Ghosts last 1 minute longer
Aequus/Souljoint CuffsSouljoint Cuffs
  • Ghost minions attach to enemies after dealing contact damage
Aequus/Nature's CrueltyNature's Cruelty
  • 25% of damage taken is dealt to your ghost minions
Aequus/Ritualistic SkullRitualistic Skull
  • Converts all minion slots except one into ghost minion slots