Pandora's Box (Aequus)

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Pandora's Box
  • Pandora's Box item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipEnemies take extra damage from scepter debuffs
Ghost minion projectiles travel at twice the speed
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required

Pandora's Box is a Pre-Hardmode accessory found in Locked Gold Chests in the Dungeon. When equipped, scepter debuffs will deal twice their usual damage, and ghost minion projectiles will travel at twice the speed.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


When boosted with the Crown of Blood, scepter debuffs will deal 3 times their usual damage, and ghost minion projectiles will travel at 3 times the speed.