Occultist (Aequus)

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Occultist (Aequus).png
Occultist Head (Aequus).png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Occultist Hostile (Aequus).png
Occultist Hostile Head (Aequus).png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI

A ex-cultist that's decided to bat for the winning team. She claims to be reformed, but still attempts to cast curses and hexes whenever she thinks nobody's looking.

BestiaryBestiary (Occultist)

The Occultist is an NPC vendor that will spawn once the following criteria has been met:

She sells various demonic and ghost-related items, including tools for Necromancy.

She is first encountered in the Underworld near an Oblivion Altar, appearing as a "hostile" version with her eyes hidden, speaking cryptically about items that can activate the Demon Siege. The only button on her dialog menu is "Listen", which will display a new line. Once the Demon Siege has been completed, she will immediately transform into a town NPC and can move into a house.

Items sold

Item Cost Availability Quote
Aequus/Ghostly GraveGhostly Grave 10 Always available. "I was mucking about in a graveyard, and it seems this gravestone wanted to have a soul! Maybe it could help you with your own... grave situation?"
Aequus/PurgatoryPurgatory 10 Always available. "This is one of my favorite ritual components! The flame burns so nice and hot."
Aequus/Crown of BloodCrown of Blood 750 Always available. "This trinket will enhance the accessory you hold most dear. The cost? You will see in time..."
Aequus/Crown of DarknessCrown of Darkness 750 Always available. "Forged in the darkest pits of Oblivion, this trinket's power withers in the light."
Aequus/Crown of the GroundedCrown of the Grounded 750 Always available. "Forged with the power of the planet's crust, this trinket's powers will fade if you take to the air."
Aequus/MeathookMeathook 10 Always available. "I managed to steal this from my arch-enemy's arsenal just before I left. If he finds out where I am, I'm doomed..."
Aequus/Unholy CoreUnholy Core 1 Always available. "I found this artifact in the sixth circle. It can siphon away incredible amounts of evil magic!"
Aequus/Bottle O' SpiritsBottle O' Spirits 20 At night. "Maybe those ghosts are just cranky! I would be too if I was dead! Think you could calm them down with a nice drink?"
Aequus/WabbajackWabbajack 12 During a Blood Moon
(unless in a The Constant world)
Whoopie CushionWhoopie Cushion 1 During a Blood Moon. "*Pbbbfht*"
Aequus/MaledictionMalediction 15 After Skeletron has been defeated. "Ever feel like your ghosts just weren't cursed enough? Why not dredge up and affix the bones of the dungeon's defender to them?"
Shadow ChestShadow Chest 1 After Skeletron has been defeated. n/a
Aequus/Empty Soul GemEmpty Soul Gem 150 At night "Behold: the easiest way to catch a soul for your nefarious purposes! You'll need to kill something to fill it, but you're good at that."
Aequus/Oblivion AltarOblivion Altar 150 In Hardmode. "This mound of meat serves as none other than a gateway to Oblivion! Be careful where you place it, my friend..."
Aequus/Potion CanteenPotion Canteen 10 During the day in Hardmode. n/a
Aequus/Black PhialBlack Phial 10 At night in Hardmode. "The liquid within is concocted from pure black magic. Even a single drop will make a pigron deathly ill."
Aequus/GOREGORE 2 While the Painter is present. "I made this painting myself! Always nice to try new hobbies. I had a lot of fun sourcing the red paint in particular~"
Aequus/RevolutionRevolution 2 While the Painter is present. "This painting depicts what'll happen to you if you keep associating with me! Hahahahaha!"

Dungeon Chest items

The following items will be only sold during certain moon phases after defeating Skeletron.

Item Cost Moon Phase Quote
Shadow KeyShadow Key 15 Full Moon (Moon-full.png) "This key will open the infernal treasures in the deepest recesses of the earth. Luckily for you, demonite is much more durable than gold."
Aequus/Pandora's BoxPandora's Box 875 Full Moon (Moon-full.png) "A cursed vessel containing all manner of misery and evil. Probably was a big deal once, but it's just par for the course these days."
HandgunHandgun 875 Waning Gibbous (Moon-2.png) "LOOK OUT, I'VE GOT A GUN! Haha, just kidding, I wouldn't shoot you. That's so mundane. ...Wanna buy it?"
Magic MissileMagic Missile 875 Third Quarter (Moon-3.png) "I hear this is good at fighting darkness. I don't want it. You take it."
Aequus/Revenant SceptreRevenant Sceptre 875 Third Quarter (Moon-3.png) "Hey, do you like ghosts? I like ghosts. This staff can make ghosts for us, then we can both be happy. That's a two-for-one deal."
Cobalt ShieldCobalt Shield 875 Waning Crescent (Moon-4.png) "An enchanted shield that will keep you rooted to the spot... all the better for spells to catch you inside. Hypothetically, of course."
Blue MoonBlue Moon 875 New Moon (Moon-new.png) "I haven't got the strength for it, but this is one of my favorite weapons in concept. Who needs subtlety when you can just cave skulls in?"
MuramasaMuramasa 875 Waxing Crescent (Moon-6.png) "Some people say this dusty old thing holds some kind of ancient power. NOT to be confused with Murasama, or Masamune, or any of that nonsense."
Aequus/WretchednessWretchedness 875 Waxing Crescent (Moon-6.png) "I found another candle kicking around somewhere! Great for lighting a romantic dinner, if you're feasting on souls."
ValorValor 875 First Quarter (Moon-7.png) "How on earth do people do all those fancy tricks with these? I can barely get it to bounce back up into my hand!"
Aequus/ValariValari 875 Waxing Gibbous (Moon-8.png) "This boomerang is enchanted with wind magic that can drag stuff with it, or whatever. I'll be honest, if it's not fire or darkness I do not care at all."
Stream StingStream Sting Thorium Mod Bestiary Icon.png 875 Waning Gibbous (Moon-2.png) n/a
Strongest LinkStrongest Link Thorium Mod Bestiary Icon.png 875 Waning Crescent (Moon-4.png) n/a
High TideHigh Tide Thorium Mod Bestiary Icon.png 875 New Moon (Moon-new.png) n/a
Bone ReaperBone Reaper Thorium Mod Bestiary Icon.png 875 First Quarter (Moon-7.png) n/a
Naiad's ShivNaiad's Shiv Thorium Mod Bestiary Icon.png 875 Waxing Gibbous (Moon-8.png) n/a

Living preference

DislikesThe HallowThe Hallow
HatesSnow biomeSnow biomeZoologistZoologist

For more information, see NPC happiness.


The Occultist may have any of the following names:

  • Abadeer
  • Cally
  • Brimmy
  • Sinh
  • Vincera
  • Spectre
  • Kurskan
  • Maykr


Interaction quotes

Condition Quote
Always available "Fool! By talking to me, you've triggered a trap hex that will force you to obey my commands! Now, please buy something."
"Ahahaha... HAHAHAHA- oh. Um. Hello, fellow do-gooder?"
"Want to know what I look like under this cloak? Hahaha, in your dreams! Actually, don't dream about that, because I've set up a scrying rune above your bed and I will know."
"Your dimension is so cold, I've got to bundle up this tight just to bear it here."
"Memorialist? Don't be ridiculous, I'm not memorizing anything. I have my spellbooks for that." (14.29*1/7 (14.29%) chance)
At night "The darkness suffocating the land... this is what I live for. Yes, I know it happens every day here, let me have this."
"Excuse me, could you hold this voidsent flame real quick? I'll be right back~!"
During a Blood Moon "Quiet, please! I'm having an inner council meeting!"
"There's no escape. Even the most eldritch of beings suffer under the red moon's light."
"I've been thinking up a new curse. Want to be my test subject? Come here..."
Princess is present "I would love nothing more than to topple a monarchy from within. Hypothetically speaking, of course."
During a Glimmer "What? No! Where did my darkness go? Put it back!"
During a Windy Day "The wind keeps blowing out my candles! I appreciate that it's your birthday or whatever, world, but I need to work!"
During the Rain "I think I know a ritual that would dispel this rain. Or was it for turning it into chocolate milk?"
During a Thunderstorm "I'll have to try and catch some of this lightning. Nature's wrath is a surprisingly versatile spellcasting component!"
During a Party "They didn't want me to hex the cake to regenerate. I promise I hadn't mixed in anything else! This time!"
While in the Graveyard "Oh, hello, ghosties! You'll make excellent fuel for my rituals..."
In early Hardmode
(Before Queen Slime, Dust Devil,
or any mechanical boss are defeated)
"The light and dark dance together again... fun times are ahead, I think!"
Golem has been defeated, but Lunatic Cultist has not "Have you seen the cultists skulking about at the dungeon? Looks like they're preparing a pretty big ritual! I can't wait to see what happens, hahaha!"

Happiness quotes

Condition Quote
When homeless "Hmm. Hm hm hm. I haven't got a place to stay at the moment."
When far from home "Oh, you've caught me snooping about, it seems! I'll be home by nightfall, promise."
When in a sparse area "Plenty of room to practice my spells here... hahaha..."
When overcrowded "I can't swing a cat around here without accidentally cursing someone! Not that I mind that part, but, you know."
"There's too many people here! I can't sneak around when there's eyes around every corner!"
When in the Desert "The temperatures are a bit more agreeable in the Desert, I think."
When in The Hallow "Mm, yes, the Hallow. One of my favorite places to dump my trash."
When in the Snow biome "I-it's too c-cold here... Can't c-cast spells because my f-fingers are numb...."
When in an Evil biome or the Dungeon "As a certified Good Person, <name of Biome> is no place for me to be! Obviously!"
When near the Clothier "<name of Clothier>... now there's someone who respects and fears a good curse. Oh, the fun I could have with him! Hahaha!"
When near the Tax Collector "<name of Tax Collector> has never flinched away from my spells even once. I like that kind of resilience."
When near the Demolitionist "<name of Demolitionist> sows so much chaos with his crafts! If only I could get him to let me enchant his bombs..."
When near the Princess "<name of Princess> is so... gullible! She latches on to every word I say, I love it!"
When near the Dryad or Guide "<name of NPC> is such a goody two-shoes! That kind of attitude really grates on me!"
When near the Zoologist "<name of Zoologist> is already cursed and she doesn't even CARE! What am I supposed to do with that?!"
When neutral "This place is pleasant enough. Could use more suffering, but beggars can't be choosers, you know?"

Hostile Occultist quotes

Condition Quote
Always available "Can you hear them too? They're calling to us..."
"I would give anything to please the dark overlords... my mind, my body... yours as well..."
"I've met many 'chosen ones' before... all of them fell sooner or later. You will be no different..."
"Choke out the light, and spread the darkness... Simply join us like they have and you will see the truth..."
In a Corruption world "The dark weapons forged from the Corruption... only they hold the evils we seek..."
In a Corruption world, or if player has a Light's Bane "If you would dare brandish the Light's Bane here, be prepared to meet some of my friends..."
In a Corruption world, or if player has a Demon Bow "The dark projections of a Demon Bow... would make a perfect vessel for our shadows..."
In a Corruption world, or if player has a Vilethorn "Vilethorns... endless pricking pain, drawing blood for sacrifice... wonderful..."
In a Corruption world, or if player has a Corrupt Pot "There are legends of a corrupt pot that infests anything growing inside with evil... if only I could have it..."
In a Crimson world "The dark weapons forged from the Crimson... only they hold the evils we seek..."
In a Crimson world, or if player has a Blood Butcherer "If you would dare brandish the Blood Butcherer here, be prepared to meet some of my friends..."
In a Crimson world, or if player has a Tendon Bow "The succulent stringiness of a Tendon Bow... would make a wonderful feast for us..."
In a Crimson world, or if player has a Crimson Rod "The Crimson Rod, pouring endless torrents of blood from on high... what a beautiful sight..."
In a Crimson world, or if player has a Mindfungus Staff "The mindfungus, infesting both body and soul... how useful that would be for us..."
1 in 3 chance if player has any item with "Bunny" in the name "Hold on, did you hear that? Is there a rabbit around here?"


Occultist Sleeping (Aequus).png
  • Occasionally, the Occultist will fall asleep, hanging from the ceiling of her house with her cloak wrapped around her like a bat's wings. In this state, talking to her will wake her up, causing her to fall to the ground and replacing her dialogue with "AAAAAGGH!!!!!!!!" until she gets up.