Umystick (Aequus)

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  • Umystick item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage36 (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time24 (Fast)
TooltipYou will fall slower while holding this, hold down to fall at regular speed
Right click to perform a double jump
'Nothing bad ever happens to <name of Player>!'
RarityRarity level: 4
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Menacing Moon
    Umystick (projectile) (Aequus).png

The Umystick is a post-Omega Starite magic weapon. It is obtained by throwing an Umbrella or Tragic Umbrella into the Shimmer after Omega Starite has been defeated. It has very similar properties to the Umbrella, granting a Featherfall Potion effect when held. Unlike the regular Umbrella, it deals magic damage instead of melee damage, and works more similarly to a staff.

Pressing Left Click fires a volley of 3 slightly homing moons. The animation also disables the featherfall properties until it is completed.

Pressing Right Click while holding the Umystick will jump the player in the air which costs x3 the mana, with a 3 second cooldown. However, if you double jump again within 6 seconds of using the double jump ability, you will be given a 9 second cooldown instead. Using the double jump 0.5 seconds after swapping a weapon also gives a 9 second cooldown.

Holding ▼ Down allows you to fall at regular speed, identical to the Featherfall Potion and default Umbrella.

Its best modifier is Mythical.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)


  • The weapon is a reference to the Menace, a boss from the Split Mod.
    • The design also greatly resembles the umbrella held by Menace
    • The flavor text "Nothing bad ever happens to <name of Player>!" is very similar to a quote by Menace: "Nothing bad ever happens to the Menace!"
    • The name of the moon projectile ("Menacing Moon") also nods to the reference
  • This weapon was going to be part of a set of Gale Streams umbrella weapons, however, only the Umystick made the cut.