Hama Yumi (Aequus)

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Hama Yumi
  • Hama Yumi item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage32 (Ranged)
Knockback6 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time36 (Very slow)
TooltipClose enemies explode into corruption hellfire
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Hama Yumi showcased on a target dummy

The Hama Yumi is a Pre-Hardmode bow obtained by activating an Oblivion Altar with Demon Bow.

When used, it transforms your arrow into a firey purple arrow which doesnt obey gravity, and has infinite enemy penetration. Each time this arrow hits an enemy, it is given a 25% damage penalty, inflicts a stack of Hellfire (Corruption) for 2 seconds, and will also explode and deal damage to any enemies within 2.8 blocks. This explosion deals the same amount of damage as the arrow, but does not inflict any debuffs. After 0.2 seconds, the firey arrow will revert back to normal.

It has a Crimson counterpart, Deltoid, which is much faster and doesn't require as much accuracy, but provides lower DPS potential.

Its best modifier is Unreal.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)