Purgatory (Aequus)

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  • Purgatory item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage40 (Summon)
Knockback0 (No knockback)
Use time40 (Very slow)
TooltipSummons a Demon to fight for you
Grants BuffAequus/RitualRitual
Buff tooltipYou are performing a ritual... don't get distracted!
RarityRarity level: 3
Buy / Sell10 / 2
Research1 required

The Purgatory is a pre-Hardmode Necromancy candle sold by the Occultist for 10 which summons a Demon with no speed increase. The Demon will have a Blue Violet (#8a2be2) aura. However if you are playing PVP in Multiplayer, it will change to be the same color as your current Team.