Wabbajack (Aequus)

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  • Wabbajack item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage1 (Magic)
Knockback2 (Very weak)
Critical chance15%
Use time40 (Very slow)
TooltipCasts a random effect when hitting an enemy
'The word 'Fixed' is such a subjective term, 'Treated' is far more appropriate'
RarityRarity level: 3
Buy / Sell12 / 240
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Wabbajack
    Wabbajack (projectile) (Aequus).png

The Wabbajack is a post-Demon Siege staff sold by the Occultist for 12 During a Blood Moon. The Wabbajack is not exactly a weapon, and is very inconsistent at dealing damage. It has 5 different effects it can perform upon hitting an enemy, each with different biases for occuring.


Common Effects


Nothing happens. This is one of the most common effects.


An explosion occurs on the enemy, dealing (40 + Weapon Damage) damage. Its critical strike chance scales with your ranged critical strike chance, and will also activate any special ranged on-hit effects. This is one of the most common effects, having the same bias as doing Nothing.

Transformation Effects

Transformation effects only occur if the target is not a Boss, not Multisegmented, and has less than 1200 life and 50 defense. These effects instantly slay the enemy, but do not have it drop any of its loot.

Transformation effects are less likely to happen compared to Common Effects.

Transformation: Bunny

The target transforms into a Bunny. This effect is not reversible, and this bunny can be caught with a Bug Net. And can be further attacked with the Wabbajack to have more effects occur.

Transformation: Food

The target transforms into a random food item. This can be ANY item marked as "food" from the Vanilla game, and other mods. If the target has a food item in its Loot drop table, it will always drop that specific food item when this effect occurs.

Due to the uncertainty of content added by other mods, this effect could hypothetically break progression in a mod which has an important late-game food or foods which serve a special purpose.

Misc Effects

Misc effects are less likely to happen compared to Transformation or Common Effects.


The target hit swaps places with an Enemy, Critter, or Town NPC nearby. If none are nearby, Nothing happens. This is an uncommon effect.

On multi-segmented enemies, this effect only works if you hit the head of the enemy. Hitting other parts of the enemy will make Nothing happen.
