Demon Siege (Aequus)

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Biome Banner Demon Siege (Aequus).png

Demon Siege Icon (Aequus).png "The Oblivion Altar consumes your <item>..." Demon Siege Icon (Aequus).png

The Demon Siege is a Pre-Hardmode event triggered by placing a compatible item into a Oblivion Altar. Unlike most events, it is not based on how many enemies are killed, instead having a strict duration where the player must defend against an incoming horde of demonic enemies as the Oblivion Altar processes their item. Once the progress bar reaches 100%, it will deposit the transformed item and the event will end.

The event's radius is illustrated by a large red aura around the Oblivion Altar; it is only active while a player is inside it, and otherwise event enemies will not spawn and the event's duration will tick down instead of up. If it reaches 0%, the Demon Siege will end and the Oblivion Altar will eject the inputted item unchanged. Aside from the items listed below, an Unholy Core can also be used to activate the Demon Siege, but the event will be shorter than normal and no item will be produced at the end.

While the event is active, the vanilla music Storm will play.

Aequus/Demon SiegeDemon Siege
Characters Unique Drops
Aequus/Legged LavaLegged Lava
Aequus/Cinder BatCinder Bat
Aequus/Keeper ImpKeeper Imp

From all enemies:

Aequus/Eidolic EnergyEidolic Energy

From Legged Lavas:

Lava CharmLava Charm

From Cinder Bats:

Magma StoneMagma Stone
Aequus/War HornWar Horn
Aequus/Ancient Hell Beams DyeAncient Hell Beams Dye
Bat BatBat Bat

From Keeper Imps:

Obsidian RoseObsidian Rose

Oblivion Altar conversions:

Aequus/Hell's BoonHell's Boon(from Light's Bane)
Aequus/CauterizerCauterizer(from Blood Butcherer)
Aequus/Hama YumiHama Yumi(from Demon Bow)
Aequus/DeltoidDeltoid(from Tendon Bow)
Aequus/TriacanthornTriacanthorn(from Vilethorn)
Aequus/Bombarder RodBombarder Rod(from Crimson Rod)
Aequus/Piranha PotPiranha Pot(from Corrupt Pot)
Aequus/Brainwave StaffBrainwave Staff(from Mindfungus Staff)
Aequus/Rabbit's FootRabbit's Foot(from Bunny)
Aequus/Death's EmbraceDeath's Embrace(from Bottle O' Spirits)


Once a Demon Siege has been defeated for the first time, the following will occur: