The Painbringer Core (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Expert mode icon.png
Expert Mode-Only Content: This information (or parts of it) applies only to Expert Mode and Expert Mode worlds.
The Painbringer Core
  • The Painbringer Core item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipSaves you from death once every 2 minutes
Saves you from death once every 2 minutes, granting 5 seconds of immunity
Also releases a bunch of homing pain skulls that deal heavy damage each time you're revived
Doesn't activate if the killing blow deals over 9999 damage
'Live to suffer another day'
Grants BuffStorm's Additions Mod/Painbringer's CursePainbringer's Curse
Buff tooltipYou will get to experience pain all over again on death
Inflicts DebuffStorm's Additions Mod/Painbringer's CooldownPainbringer's Cooldown
Debuff duration2 minutes.
RarityRarity level: Rainbow
 Obtained from
Storm's Additions Mod/Treasure Bag (The Painbringer)Treasure Bag(The Painbringer)1100%
The Painbringer core reviving the player and releasing the damaging homing skulls.

The Painbringer Core is an expert exclusive accessory that is obtained from The Painbringer treasure bag. When equipped it will instantly revive the player to full health if they lose all their life once every 2 minutes, and grants 5 seconds of immunity frames, and 20 homing skulls will fire out of the player which deal 2000 damage each and explode on enemy impact. When the player is revived text will appear above them and in the chat which says "Live to suffer another day!".


  • When the player can be saved from death small skulls will constantly appear around the player.
  • When the player is revived all nurse-removable debuffs will be removed from the player.
  • The accessory will float in the air and has the same visual effects as a treasure bag when dropped in the world.
  • The player will not be revived if the damaging blow deals over 9999 damage, preventing cheesing things like the Daytime empress.
  • The homing skulls will not home in or deal damage until 1 second after they have been fired, before this they will pass through enemies and bounce off tiles.


  • This is the only Post-Moon Lord accessory in the mod.
  • The sprite used to be the sprite for the summoning item of the April Fools boss Ultimate Pain.