Tome of the Distant Past (Avalon)

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Tome of the Distant Past
  • Tome of the Distant Past item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage30 (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time15 (Very fast)
Velocity16 (effective)
TooltipSummons a bone barrage
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Bone Rib
    Bone Rib (projectile) (Avalon).png
Creates Projectile
  • Rib Cage
    Rib Cage (projectile) (Avalon).png
Creates Projectile
  • Femur
    Femur (projectile) (Avalon).png
Creates Projectile
  • Skull
    Skull (projectile) (Avalon).png
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Avalon/Desert BeakDesert Beak133.33*33.33%
Avalon/Treasure Bag (Desert Beak)Treasure Bag(Desert Beak)133.33*33.33%

The Tome of the Distant Past is a pre-Hardmode magic weapon that shoots one of four random bone projectiles, each having a unique effect. The Tome of the Distant Past is dropped by Desert Beak or its Treasure Bag with a 33.33*1/3 (33.33%) chance.

Its best modifier is Phantasmal.


Each projectile the Tome of the Distant Past fires has a unique effect, listed below:

Type Pierces Effect
Avalon/Bone Rib Bone Rib 1 n/a
Avalon/Rib Cage Rib Cage 0 Splits into 2-3 Bone Ribs on impact with tiles or enemies
Avalon/Femur Femur 0 Larger hitbox and 50% increased damage
Avalon/Skull Skull 1 Bounces three times, shattering on the fourth
