Flower of The Jungle (Avalon)

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Flower of The Jungle
  • Flower of The Jungle item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage22 (Magic)
Knockback5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time42 (Very slow)
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Jungle Flower
    Jungle Flower (projectile) (Avalon).png
Creates Projectile
  • Jungle Petal
    Jungle Petal (Avalon).png
Obtained from Obtained from
Bramble CrateBramble Crate115.83*15.83%
Ivy ChestIvy Chest117.38*17.38%
Jungle CrateJungle Crate115.83*15.83%

The Flower of the Jungle is a pre-Hardmode magic weapon that launches a flower that bounces on tiles up to five times, each time creating a ring of 2-3 damaging petals, dissipating on the sixth or immediately upon hitting an enemy, creating a ring of 4-6 petals. While in flight the flower will leave a trail of petals.

The Flower of the Jungle has a 17.38*6517/37500 (17.38%) chance of being obtained from Ivy Chests in the Jungle, and a 15.83*19/120 (15.83%) chance of being found in Jungle and Bramble Crates.

Its best modifier is Phantasmal.
