Smogscreen (Avalon)

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  • Smogscreen item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage8 (Magic)
Knockback1 (Extremely weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time40 (Very slow)
TooltipShoots poison gas
Inflicts DebuffPoisonedPoisoned
Debuff duration3 seconds
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Debuff chance100%
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Smog
    Smog (projectile) (Avalon).png
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Avalon/Contagion CrateContagion Crate120*20%
Avalon/Plague CratePlague Crate120*20%
Avalon/Sepsis CellSepsis Cell120*20%

Smogscreen is a pre-Hardmode magic weapon that fires a cloud of smog with an armor penetration of 7, inflicting the Poisoned debuff for 3 seconds. It has a 20*1/5 (20%) chance of being obtained from destroying Sepsis Cells found in the Contagion or a 20*1/5 (20%) chance from Contagion Crates and Plague Crates, which are fished in the Contagion.

Its best modifier is Phantasmal.


  • Smogscreen is the Contagion counterpart to the Corruption's Vilethorn and the Crimson's Crimson Rod, as these are the magic weapons dropped from Shadow Orbs and Crimson Hearts respectively and also pierces through enemies.
  • Purple Haze can be seen as a Hardmode upgrade to the Smogscreen, as it has a similar effect with higher damage.
  • In the Exxo Avalon source mod, Smogscreen was an unobtainable Spell Tome.
  • The name "Smogscreen" is a reference to the Pokémon Trading Card Game move of the same name.
    • Not to be confused with the similarly named move "Smokescreen", seen in both the trading card game and video game series.
