Blood Barrage (Avalon)

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Blood Barrage
  • Blood Barrage item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage16 (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time24 (Fast)
TooltipRight Click to empower with your blood
Uses 80 life
Inflicts DebuffAvalon/Sanguine SacrificeSanguine Sacrifice
Debuff duration8 seconds
Debuff tooltipBlood sacrifice weapons are more powerful
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Blood Blob
    Blood Blob (Avalon).gif
Obtained from Obtained from
Blood ZombieBlood Zombie10.5*0.5%
Wandering Eye FishWandering Eye Fish10.5*0.5%
Zombie MermanZombie Merman10.5*0.5%
Avalon/Bloodshot EyeBloodshot Eye10.5*0.5%
Avalon/Fallen HeroFallen Hero10.5*0.5%

The Blood Barrage is a pre-Hardmode magic weapon dropped by Blood Moon enemies that fires a spread of two Blood Blobs. When pressing the Open / Activate button with the Blood Barrage, it will consume 80 health from the player, and inflict the Sanguine Sacrifice debuff for 8 seconds granting the Blood Barrage an extra two projectiles per use, 25% increased damage, higher accuracy, and lifesteal of 1-3 health. The Open / Activate ability cannot be used again while the player has the Sanguine Sacrifice debuff.

If Open / Activate is used while the player is below 80 health, it will kill the player and display the unique death message "<Player name> forgot their blood is necessary."

Its best modifier is Phantasmal.



  • 1.2.4: Rarity changed from Rarity level: 4 to Rarity level: 3.
  • 1.0.0: Introduced.