Quantum Claymore (Avalon)

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Quantum Claymore
  • Quantum Claymore item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage88 (Melee)
Knockback10 (Extremely strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time23 (Fast)
Tooltip'Tear through time to rip apart your foes'
Fires a piercing quantum beam
True melee strikes summon extra non-piercing beams
[10th Anniversary Contest Winner - Waasephi]
RarityRarity level: Quantum
Research1 required
Creates Projectile
  • Quantum Beam
    Quantum Beam (Avalon).png

The Quantum Claymore is a Hardmode melee weapon that shoots a piercing beam. If you hit an enemy with the sword directly, additional non-piercing beams will shoot out from behind the player in the direction of the mouse cursor.

Its best modifier is Awestruck.


  • This weapon is one of the contest winners from the 2022 10th Anniversary Weapon/Armor contest, hosted on the official Avalon Discord server. The screen name of the winner is Waasephi.
