Desert Beak (Avalon)

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Desert Beak
Desert Beak (Avalon).png
Map Icon Desert Beak (Avalon).png
Map Icon
AI TypeDesert Beak AI
Max Life4150
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused
Map Icon Desert Beak (Avalon).png"My precious child."Map Icon Desert Beak (Avalon).png

Desert Beak is a pre-Hardmode boss summoned in the Desert during the day using a Desert Horn, which is crafted with Sand Blocks, Sturdy Fossils, and Beaks, which are dropped by Vultures.

Defeating Desert Beak is the only way to obtain Desert Feathers.

While Desert Beak is alive, the music Desert BeakFile:Music-Desert Beak (Avalon).mp3 will play.



Desert Beak can be summoned manually in the Desert during the day using a Desert Horn.


If the player (or any player on a server) has consumed 10 or more Life Crystals and has 16 or more defense, Desert Beak has a 16.67*1/6 (16.67%) chance of causing the message "The vultures are weary of your presence..." to appear at dawn. If the following conditions are met, the boss will spawn naturally in the Desert.


First Phase

Desert Beak will lunge at its target repeatedly, occasionally shooting a spread of gravity-affected feathers. It will also launch bouncing eggs that hatch into a Desert Talon minion after a few bounces. If there are more than 4 Desert Talons alive, the boss will instead launch a bouncing egg that explodes into shrapnel.

Second Phase

At 60% health, Desert Beak will start a sandstorm event, and shift into its second phase. It will begin to circle the player, continuing to shoot spreads of feathers, but also occasionally stopping its circling to launch sand tornados at the player.



Achievement Mod exclusive content
Achievement Mod exclusive content
The content described in this section is only available if the Achievement Mod is enabled in the player's mod list.
Achievement Watch the talons! (Avalon).png
Watch the talons! • “Defeat the overseer of the Desert, Desert Beak.”
Defeat the Desert Beak for the first time.
Category: Slayer Slayer


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for Desert Beak: "The guardian of the desert, this large vulture summons its smaller brethren to assist it in battle. It lifts prey up with its talons, then drops them to fall to their doom."


Desert Beak
AI TypeDesert Beak AI
Max Life3500
KB Resist100%
Immune toFreezeConfused
Desert Beak Trophy (Avalon).png"My precious child."Desert Beak Trophy (Avalon).png

Desert Beak is a pre-Hardmode boss summoned anywhere using The Beak, which is crafted with Sand Blocks and Beaks, which are dropped by Vultures.

Defeating Desert Beak is the only way to obtain Desert Feathers.

While Desert Beak is alive, the music Desert BeakFile:Music-Desert Beak (Avalon).mp3 will play.



Desert Beak can be summoned manually anywhere and at any time using The Beak.


Desert Beak has a very rare chance of spawning naturally if the following conditions are met:


  • Desert Beak will hover above the player and launches BombBombs at them every 1.5 seconds, stopping after it has fired three bombs.
  • After firing three bombs, it will attempt to ram the player, continuing to charge sideways until it either hits or passes by the player.
  • If the player is far above the boss, it will become invulnerable to all damage and fire powerful lasers towards the player.


  • It is not required for the player to be in the Desert biome in order to summon Desert Beak.
  • Desert Beak does not despawn when far away from the player.
    • This means if a player were to use a Magic Mirror or any of its variants Desert Beak will chase them back to their spawn point no matter the distance.


  • Due to the materials needed for the summoning item being easily acquired early on, defeating Desert Beak can be an easy way to obtain post-Skeletron tier items.



  • 11.3.2: Will now drop Iridium Ore instead of Osmium Ore in worlds containing iridium.
  • 11.0:
    • Fixed a bug causing it to hover below the player instead of above.
    • Is now immune to knockback.
    • Desert Beak's music is now louder.
    • Will now correctly despawn if the player dies.
    • The bombs dropped by desert beak now explode on contact with the player.
  • 10.1: Now has unique music.
Template:Avalon (Exxo Avalon)/Master Template Characters