Cougher (Avalon)

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Cougher (Avalon).png
AI TypeCougher AI
Damage35 / 70 / 105
Max Life230 / 460 / 690
KB Resist70%
Inflicts DebuffAvalon/Pathogen (debuff)Pathogen
Duration5 seconds
Debuff tooltipIncreases debuff time and reduces life regen
BannerAvalon/Cougher BannerCougher Banner
Creates Projectile
  • Cough
    Purple Haze (projectile) (Avalon).png

The Cougher is a Hardmode enemy which spawns in The Contagion. It will fly quickly towards the player, stopping when nearby the player to cough, spreading a damaging cloud which inflicts the Pathogen debuff.


  • The coughing sounds were recorded by Jeo, a developer of the mod.
  • Much like Ducks and Owls that have a human voice say "quack" and "hoot" as a rare Easter egg, Coughers have a 0.33*1/300 (0.33%) chance to say the word "cough" instead of their normal sound when coughing.
  • During Jeo's birthday (February 14), Coughers will spawn wearing a party hat with one of five colors: Cougher (Blue Party Hat) (Avalon).png Cougher (Cyan Party Hat) (Avalon).png Cougher (Pink Party Hat) (Avalon).png Cougher (Purple Party Hat) (Avalon).png Cougher (White Party Hat) (Avalon).png
    • February 14 is also Valentine's Day.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Cougher: "Coughers fly around seeking prey to coat in their poisonous breath, Their breath contains a pathogen able to completely destroy their target's immune system making it easier for the contagion to infect."


  • Cough projectile no longer receives damage scaling twice in higher difficulties.
  • 1.2.4:
    • Now spawns wearing party hats on February 14.
    • No longer drops the unloaded Cougher Mask item.
  • 1.0.0: Introduced.