Underground Contagion (Avalon)

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The Underground Contagion is a biome. It is the underground version of the surface-level Contagion, appearing at and below the cavern layer. Just like the surface Contagion, it is mainly composed of Chunkstone and spreads to nearby tiles. Although it is available in pre-Hardmode, most of its exclusive contents will only appear during Hardmode. After the Wall of Flesh is defeated for the first time, a diagonal stripe of Contagion is generated, creating additional Underground Contagion biome.

The Underground Contagion does not suppress the spawn of other underground and cavern enemies. During Hardmode, all enemies killed in the Underground Contagion have a 20*1/5 (20%) / 36*9/25 (36%) chance to drop a Soul of Night.

Note: Most characteristics of the surface Contagion also apply to the Underground Contagion. See The Contagion for more extensive information.




See also


  • 1.2.4: Underground contagion desert enemies now spawn correctly.
  • 1.2.3: Underground background now fades in and out at certain heights, instead of displaying all the way to the surface and lava layers.
  • 1.1.3: Souls of Night can no longer drop in pre-Hardmode.
  • 1.0.0: Introduced.