Potion Canteen (Aequus)

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Potion Canteen
  • Potion Canteen item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipAllows infinite use of a potion when equipped
RarityRarity level: 3
Buy / Sell10 / 2
Research1 required

The Potion Canteen is a Pre-Hardmode accessory sold by the Occultist. It does nothing by default, however it can be crafted into many variants using Potions, granting an infinite version of its buff.


Used In

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Ammo Reservation)Potion Canteen (Ammo Reservation)By Hand
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Archery)Potion Canteen (Archery)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Battle)Potion Canteen (Battle)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Biome Sight)Potion Canteen (Biome Sight)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Bloodthirst)Potion Canteen (Bloodthirst)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Builder)Potion Canteen (Builder)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Calm)Potion Canteen (Calm)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Crate)Potion Canteen (Crate)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Dangersense)Potion Canteen (Dangersense)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Endurance)Potion Canteen (Endurance)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Featherfall)Potion Canteen (Featherfall)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Fishing)Potion Canteen (Fishing)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Flipper)Potion Canteen (Flipper)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Frost)Potion Canteen (Frost)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Gills)Potion Canteen (Gills)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Gravitation)Potion Canteen (Gravitation)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Heartreach)Potion Canteen (Heartreach)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Hunter)Potion Canteen (Hunter)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Inferno)Potion Canteen (Inferno)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Invisibility)Potion Canteen (Invisibility)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Ironskin)Potion Canteen (Ironskin)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Lifeforce)Potion Canteen (Lifeforce)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Magic Power)Potion Canteen (Magic Power)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Mana Regeneration)Potion Canteen (Mana Regeneration)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Manathirst)Potion Canteen (Manathirst)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Mining)Potion Canteen (Mining)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Neutron Yogurt)Potion Canteen (Neutron Yogurt)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Night Owl)Potion Canteen (Night Owl)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Noon)Potion Canteen (Noon)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Obsidian Skin)Potion Canteen (Obsidian Skin)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Rage)Potion Canteen (Rage)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Regeneration)Potion Canteen (Regeneration)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Sentry Buff)Potion Canteen (Sentry Buff)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Shine)Potion Canteen (Shine)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Sonar)Potion Canteen (Sonar)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Spelunker)Potion Canteen (Spelunker)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Summoning)Potion Canteen (Summoning)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Swiftness)Potion Canteen (Swiftness)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Thorns)Potion Canteen (Thorns)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Titan)Potion Canteen (Titan)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Veinfracture)Potion Canteen (Veinfracture)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Warmth)Potion Canteen (Warmth)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Water Walking)Potion Canteen (Water Walking)
Aequus/Potion Canteen (Wrath)Potion Canteen (Wrath)
total: 44 row(s)