High Steaks (Aequus)

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High Steaks
  • High Steaks item sprite
  • High Steaks equipped
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip50% more damage from critical strikes
This effect costs 1 silver to perform
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Aequus/Blood MimicBlood Mimic125%

The High Steaks is a Pre-Hardmode accessory dropped from Blood Mimics. It allows critical hits to perform 50% increased damage. The calculation for the damage increase uses the base damage, and not the damage after calculating the critical strike, making critical strikes a 250% increase to damage.

When inflicting a critical hit, it will consume 1 silver from the player or their personal storages, if the player cannot afford the price, then the critical strike is not boosted.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Aequus/Steak EyesSteak EyesIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Aequus/Crusader's CrossbowCrusader's CrossbowShimmerShimmer
total: 2 row(s)


  • When boosted with the Crown of Blood, it makes critical strikes deal 75% increased damage, and lowers the cost to 50 copper.


  • This accessory loses some power when combined with high critical strike chance, as you may run out of money before defeating enemies. This downside gets less impactful over time, as monsters start to drop higher quantities of money.
  • With low critical strike chance, this item may be of benefit, as it still overall grants increased damage and you will consume money slower.