Dart Trap Hat (Aequus)

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Dart Trap Hat
  • Dart Trap Hat item sprite
  • Dart Trap Hat equipped
Damage28 (Summon)
Body slotHelmet
TooltipIgnores 10 points of enemy Defense
Dropped from an immoral skeleton who loves repairing traps
Inflicts DebuffPoisonedPoisoned
Debuff duration8 seconds
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
RarityRarity level: 1
 Obtained from
Aequus/Trapper BonesTrapper Bones(If Early Wires Config is on)1100%
Aequus/Trapper BonesTrapper Bones(If Early Wires Config is off)150%

The Dart Trap Hat is a pre-Hardmode helmet that is dropped by Trapper Bones. When equipped, you passively fire Poison Darts every 5.33 seconds which deal damage to enemies, and cannot harm allies. The Poison Darts fire in the direction you are facing, with no vertical movement, greatly limiting what you can hit with it.


  • The Dart Trap Hat has no available setbonuses.
  • It can be used as a weapon due to the passive damage, providing an easy to obtain damage source for summoner.


  • The Dart Trap Hat comes from an unimplemented enemy, the "Trap Artist", which would wear a Dart Trap on its head, and use it as a way to protect itself.