Grand Reward (Aequus)

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Grand Reward
  • Grand Reward item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipEnemies are more likely to drop rarer items
...However they no longer drop coins
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required

The Grand Reward is a Pre-Hardmode accessory sold by the Exporter for 15. While equipped, all loot drop rolls are given an extra re-rolled if they do not drop. Combining this with large amounts of luck, and the Rabbit's Foot, you can drastically decrease the amount of farming required for rare items. However, enemies will no longer drop coins, selling off the rare loot obtained from enemies may make this downside basically unnoticeable.

When boosted with the Crown of Blood, drops can be rolled up to 3 times before giving up on dropping the item.


Rod of DiscordRod of Discord

Normal Grand Reward Boosted Grand Reward
Normal 0.5% ~1% ~1.49%
0.5 Luck ~0.75% ~1.24% ~1.73%
Rabbit's Foot ~1% ~1.49% ~1.99%
Rabbit's Foot + 0.5 Luck ~1.24% ~1.73% ~2.23%

Coin GunCoin Gun (Using the lowest droprate it has)

Normal Grand Reward Boosted Grand Reward
Normal 0.025% ~0.05% ~0.075%
0.5 Luck ~0.037% ~0.062% ~0.087%
Rabbit's Foot ~0.05% ~0.075% ~0.1%
Rabbit's Foot + 0.5 Luck ~0.062% ~0.087% ~0.112%

Slime StaffSlime Staff (Using the lowest droprate it has)

Normal Grand Reward Boosted Grand Reward
Normal 0.01% ~0.02% ~0.03%
0.5 Luck ~0.015% ~0.025% ~0.035%
Rabbit's Foot ~0.02% ~0.03% ~0.04%
Rabbit's Foot + 0.5 Luck ~0.025% ~0.035% ~0.045%


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Aequus/Cosmic ChestCosmic ChestShimmerShimmer
total: 1 row(s)