Fool's Gold Ring (Aequus)

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Fool's Gold Ring
  • Fool's Gold Ring item sprite
  • Fool's Gold Ring equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipPicking up dropped coins grants minor stat improvements
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Aequus/Coconut CrabCoconut Crab110%

The Fool's Gold Ring is a Pre-Hardmode accessory dropped from Coconut Crab. It is a fake replica of the Gold Ring, granting it an alternative effect. While equipped, picking up coins will grant a buff which gives the following stat increases:

It can be found as secondary loot in Crab Crevice Chests, and sold is by the Exporter for 10.

The duration of the buff increases depends on the highest coin picked up, with coppper being 2 seconds, silver being 4 seconds, gold being 6 seconds, and platinum being 8 seconds.


  • When boosted with the Crown of Blood, the buff duration is increased by 2 seconds flat.


  • Defender Medals and custom modded currency will not grant the buff when picked up.
  • Only coins dropped by enemies will allow you to gain the buff, coins dropped by players or other means will not give you the buff.
  • This item is most effective in events, except for the Old One's Army, as the enemies from it do not drop coins.