Super Starite (Aequus)

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Super Starite
Super Starite (Aequus).png
AI TypeSuper Starite AI
Damage25 / 50 / 75
Max Life75 / 150 / 225
KB Resist100%
Inflicts DebuffOn Fire!On Fire!
Duration2 / 0 / 0 seconds
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Inflicts DebuffDarknessDarkness
Duration10 / 0 / 0 seconds
Debuff tooltipDecreased light vision
Inflicts DebuffAequus/Blue FireBlue Fire
Duration0 / 4 / 6 seconds
Debuff tooltipThe immense heat burns off your skin!
Inflicts DebuffBlackoutBlackout
Duration0 / 20 / 30 seconds
Debuff tooltipLight vision severely reduced
Inflicts DebuffCursedCursed
Duration2 / 4 / 6 seconds
Debuff tooltipCannot use any items
Immune toConfusedOn Fire!HellfireFrostburnFrostbiteIchor (debuff)PoisonedAcid VenomBleedingWeakHellfire (Corruption)Hellfire (Crimson)

Starites that gather enough energy eventually evolve into this armored form. They're much hardier, and can also fire off excess energy as simple projectiles.

BestiaryBestiary (Super Starite)

Super Starites are a pre-Hardmode enemy that only appears during a Glimmer. It starts off in an idle state; however when it gets in sight of the player or takes damage, it will start attempting to attack with very straight, slow zig-zag movement above the player, and fires projectiles spawning from the tips of its rotating arms.

In Classic Mode, it has a 25*1/4 (25%) to inflict On Fire! for 2 seconds, and a 50*1/2 (50%) to inflict Darkness for 10 seconds. In Expert Mode and Master Mode, On Fire! is replaced with Blue Fire, and Darkness is replaced with Blackout, and the chances to inflict debuffs are increased to 100%. In both difficulties, it has a 8.33%/25% chance to inflict inflict Cursed.

Super Starites begin spawning 1200 tiles (27% Progression) away from the Source of the Glimmer, and enter their maximum spawnrate when at 800 tiles (51% Progression) away from the Source.

When killed, a Dwarf Starite will spawn in the location of the Super Starite's death.


  • Super Starites are colored like Red supergiants, which are part of a normal lifecycle of Massive stars.