Exporter (Aequus)
“An unscrupulous lobster trader who's always got his eye on the best deals, willing to cross oceans to make the biggest bucks. His most recent voyage came to an undignified end in the Crab Crevice.
Bestiary (Exporter)
The Exporter is an NPC vendor that will spawn immediately after defeating Crabson, or once the following criteria has been met:
He sells various aquatic, pirate and thievery related items, and provides a special Thievery system, where fancy relics will generate inside NPC houses you have to steal and give to the Exporter.
While the Exporter is present, Jeweled Chalices and Jeweled Candelabras will occasionally spawn on valid surfaces within other NPCs' houses. If they are removed and taken to the Exporter, the "Thievery" button on his dialog menu will allow the player to turn them in, giving them money and 1-3 random Slot Machines in exchange.
The money given is between 50 + (3 × number of completed quests / 2)
and 1 + (3 × number of completed quests)
Items sold
When hovering over any item in the shop, the price will be calculated in "doubloons". This is purely visual.
Item | Cost | Availability | Quote |
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5 | While in a Graveyard | "That's it! I'm sellin' me mallet!" |
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10 | Always available. | "This card's linked ta... someone's account, somewhere. Certainly not yers!" |
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10 | After defeating the Pirate Invasion | "Swiped this off one o' me crewmate's corpses. You two look enough alike, eh?" |
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10 | Always available. | "Slip this as a regular coin n' ye'll get a free deal if they don't catch ye. Confidence is key!" |
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10 | After defeating the Pirate Invasion | "Me ol' captain's first coin. They say it's lucky, but this old lobster don't believe in such things." |
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10 | Always available. | "This'll fetch ye some ladies in no time flat- just don't tell 'em yer secret!" (Male) "Have ye got yer eye on someone, lass? This ring's made o' pure 24-carat gold! Promise!" (Female) |
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10 | After defeating the Pirate Invasion | "This trinket's s'pposed to attract coins, but it ain't pulled a bank out o' the ground yet. If ye want it, ye can have it." |
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15 | Always available. | "Not gettin' enough buck from yer bang? Try this beaut on fer size." |
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15 | After defeating Skeletron | "This'll let ye slip into any golden chest, guaranteed or yer money back- and it won't break, either!" |
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5 | Always available. | "Litterin's a crime worse than bein' a pirate. Keep yerself safe and reuse yer craftin' scraps here!" |
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5 | Always available. | "Ripped this off one o' me debters after... payin' him off. With me sword." "has <name of Tax Collector> said anythin' about recognizin' me?"(When Tax Collector is present) |
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1 | Always available. | "Us pirates keep the fins o' mermen as trophies. Plus, they can't turn inta zombies if they can't swim! Hopefully." |
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1 | Always available. | "'Tis now time fer crab! I took this one off o' me old captain's cabin." |
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2 | Always available. | "Somethin' feels off about these rocks... somethin' crabby. Take 'em off my claws, will ye?" |
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5 | Always available. | "There's somethin' about this pearl... I can't stop lookin' at it. Ye can look at it too, fer a price." |
Living preference
Biome | Neighbor | |
Loves | n/a | |
Likes | ![]() | ![]() |
Dislikes | ||
Hates | ![]() | ![]() |
For more information, see NPC happiness.
- The Exporter is loved by the Angler, liked by the Dryad, Arms Dealer, and Pirate, and hated by the Tax Collector.
The Exporter may have any of the following names:
- Larry
- Reaver
- Barnacle
- Eugene
- Robster
- Catcher
Interaction quotes
Condition | Quote |
Always available | "Still can't believe ye downed that forsaken crab. Cursed thing single-clawedly sunk me ship!" |
"Just for ye, my friend, I'll give ye a special deal. Buy one, get one fer the same price!" | |
"All proceeds go ta charity! And this old lobster's the most charitable feller I know." | |
"<name of player>, me boy! How're ye holdin' up?" (Male player) | |
"<name of player>, me girl! How're ye holdin' up?" (Female player) | |
At night | "It be a beautiful night tonight. Perfect setting to buy something!" |
"Ye know, the biggest fish're out when the moon's up. You into fishin', lad?" (Male player) | |
"Ye know, the biggest fish're out when the moon's up. You into fishin', lass?" (Female player) | |
During a Blood Moon | "I was just 'bout ta have me evenin' snack when it came back ta life and attacked me! Now I've seen everythin'." |
"When the seas run red, a pirate faces the finest test o' his will and skill. Dare ye take on the hordes o' horrid beasties fer the treasures that lie within?" | |
During a Blood Moon, after killing at least 1 Wandering Eye Fish | "One time I went fishin' in the red waters n' caught a giant eyeball! Made thirty doubloons off o' that beaut." |
During a Glimmer | "The sparklin' sky reminds me o' the glint of a treasure pile. Wonder if I could pull off stealin' a star..." |
During a Windy Day | "Shiver me timbers, what a gale! This'd be a perfect day fer sailin'!" |
During the Rain | "Rain's a lovely thing fer us crustaceans. Keeps the ol' shell moist." |
During a Thunderstorm | "Aye, 'tis be the kind o' weather that sinks ships. Glad ta be land-bound fer once." |
During a Party | "Love parties, I do! Great excuse to slip around n' nab some booty while the folks're distracted!" |
While in the Crab Crevice | "I'd rather be in Davy Jones's Locker than down here in this... crab-infested hellhole!" |
While in the Ocean | "If wishes were fishes... I wouldn't be wanted fer tax evasion." |
While in the Graveyard | "Am I really gonna defile these graves fer money? O' course I am!!" |
While Angler is present | "<name of Angler> keeps showin' me whatever odd fish he dredged up. Hate te say it, but the cricket's a prodigy; might e'en have a shot at the Duke one day, I reckon." |
While Pirate is present | "Yarrgh! Me and <name of Pirate> crossed paths a couple of times on the high seas. Those were the good old days..." |
While Truffle is present | "<name of Truffle> reminds me... one time I found this worm underground covered in mushrooms! I tried to use it as bait, but I didn't pull anything up." |
While Tax Collector is present | "I've been hiding from <name of Tax Collector> for seven years! Don't let him know I be here!" |
While Stylist is present | "I asked <name of Stylist> fer a cut once, but she chopped off me antennae! Guess I shoulda specified the sensor hairs..." |
While Crabson is present or |
"Shiver me timbers! Ye killed that god-forsaken crab monster. That beastie be the same one who sunk me ship last year!" |
During or after beating a Pirate Invasion | "Aye, I know those lads. They're the seventeenth most feared pirate crew in the seven seas!" |
After defeating Duke Fishron | "Ye even managed ta fillet the mutant terror?! Poseidon almighty, maybe I oughta be givin' ye a discount after all." |
After defeating Moon Lord | "That there was the strangest kraken I ever did see." |
Condition | Quote |
No valid items | "The landlubbers ye've strewn about <name of world> will set out fancy trinkets on occasion. Those're what I'm lookin' fer!" |
"Keep an eye peeled fer fancy relics. Not th' ones bosses drop, but the gilded stuff yer citizens'll strew about." | |
"Ye haven't got anything I want on ye, lad! I'm lookin fer the jeweled furniture yer townsfolk like." (Male player) | |
"Ye haven't got anything I want on ye, lass! I'm lookin fer the jeweled furniture yer townsfolk like." (Female player) | |
Item turned in | "And there ye have it! Here's yer cut o' the booty. Lion's share goes ta me, o' course." |
"Good work not gettin' caught! ...What d'ye mean they didn't care ye took their <name of item>? Ah whatever, here's yer pay." | |
"Oho, now that's a mighty fine <name of item>! Into the stash ye go... and here's somethin' for yer own!" | |
"How much d'ye reckon this <name of item>'s worth? Twenty gold doubloons? Thirty? Mm, prob'ly better ta highball. Fifty. Here's yer reward." | |
"How's it feel ta be a thief? I reckon it feels good, nabbin' some poor sap's stuff and sellin' it off. Now, let me reverse-steal this loot onto ye." | |
"Nicely done, lad! Wasn't so hard, was it? Here's yer payment, keep 'em comin'!" (Male player) | |
"Nicely done, lass! Wasn't so hard, was it? Here's yer payment, keep 'em comin'!" (Female player) |
Happiness quotes
Condition | Quote |
When homeless | "Haven't even got a dinghy to me name, lad. Could this old lobster bother ye fer a house?" (Male player) |
"Haven't even got a dinghy to me name, lass. Could this old lobster bother ye fer a house?" (Female player) | |
When far from home | "Hrmm, did I steal me house on accident? Oh, it's just o'er there. Silly old lobster." |
When in a sparse area | "Plenty o' room for me n' my legitimate goods out here. Yo ho ho!" |
When overcrowded | "Can't say I'm a fan o' the close quarters, me lad. Someone's bound ta get suspicious hearin' me scuttle about." (Male player) |
"Can't say I'm a fan o' the close quarters, me lass. Someone's bound ta get suspicious hearin' me scuttle about." (Female player) | |
"There's eyes around e'ery corner! How's a lobster to make a livin' like this?" | |
When in the Ocean | "Arhhg, the Ocean is not too bad matey, better than me ship!" |
When in the Desert | "Can't say I like the Desert, matey. This temperature's dryin' me shell out!" |
When in the Snow biome | "Can't say I like the Snow, matey. This temperature's dryin' me shell out!" |
When in the Crab Crevice | "Can't stand the Crab Crevice... feel like that monster's goin' te drag me back te the depths any moment now..." |
When in an Evil biome or the Dungeon | "There ain't a lick o' swindlin' to be done in <name of Biome>. Place is bilge incarnate!" |
When near the Pirate or Arms Dealer | "<name of NPC>'s me old matey! We've had plenty o' adventures together on the high seas." |
When near the Angler | "<name of Angler> isn't afraid ta go below board ta get what he wants, an attitude I admire fer sure!" |
When near the Princess | "<name of Princess> is workin' ta get me pardoned by the kingdom. I've been framed, I tell ye... framed." |
When near the Witch Doctor or Golfer | "<name of NPC>... now there's a landlubber if I e'er saw one." |
When near the Tax Collector | "I don't want ta be anywhere NEAR <name of Tax Collector>! That bilge rat reported all me acts o' tax evasion!" |
When neutral | "All's good with me, lad. Could always be better, though..." (Male player) |
"All's good with me, lass. Could always be better, though..." (Female player) |