Space Squid (Aequus)

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Space Squid
Space Squid (Aequus).png
Space Squid Head (Aequus).png
Map Icon
AI TypeSpace Squid AI
Damage45 / 72 / 108
Max Life4000 / 6400 / 9600
KB Resist100%
Immune toBleeding

An alien scout from an advanced interstellar civilization, they transplant their consciousness into bodies made of high-tech compacted water molecules for easier teleportation.

BestiaryBestiary (Space Squid)

Space Squid is a Hardmode mini-boss that spawns during the Gale Streams event. It is the ice equivalent of the Red Sprite.


Space Gun

The Space Squid goes to the left/right of the player, shooting a volley of lasers in a triangle pattern, requiring the player to go up or down, however not too fast to catch the sides of the triangle shaped attack.

Snowflake Spiral

The Space Squid begins weakly orbiting the player, shooting a barrage of Snowflakes in a circle pattern. The firerate and duration of this attack increase the lower its HP is.

Space Gun - Deathray

This attack can only be activated when Space Squid is below 50% HP. It will begin charging a laser, which forces you to move into a new direction as the deathray almost always catches up if you continue moving in one direction.


  • Being 125 blocks away from a Space Squid prevents another Space Squid from spawning, and also prevents the Red Sprite from spawning.