Bosses (Aequus)

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Aequus adds a total of 3 new bosses for the player to battle.

Pre-Hardmode Bosses


Crabson Trophy (Aequus).png
Hypnotic Pearl (Aequus).png

Crabson is a Crab-Clam abomination with 2500 / 3000 / 4500 health. It is summoned by using a Hypnotic Pearl at the Ocean. It is intended to be fought around the same time as the Eye of Cthulhu.

Crabson drops Aequus/Aquatic EnergyAquatic Energy. And the Crabax in Expert Mode.

Omega Starite

Omega Starite (Aequus).png
Omega Starite Trophy (Aequus).png
Supernova Fruit (Aequus).png

Omega Starite is a difficult Starite boss with 12000 / 16800 / 25200 health. It is summoned through the Ultimate Sword at the Source of the Glimmer. It is intended to be fought after Skeletron, or in early Hardmode.

Omega Starite drops Aequus/Cosmic EnergyCosmic Energy and the Ultimate Sword. In Expert Mode, it also drops the Celeste Torus. If beaten Flawlessly, it will also drop the Origin painting.

Hardmode Bosses

Dust Devil

Dust Devil (Aequus).png
Dust Devil Trophy (Aequus).png
Tornado in a Bottle (Aequus).png

The Dust Devil is a powerful Heat and Frost elemental with 18000 / 27000 / 40500 health. It is summoned by using a Tornado in a Bottle in Space. It is intended to be fought around the same time as Queen Slime.

Dust Devil drops Aequus/Atmospheric EnergyAtmospheric Energy, and has no Expert Mode exclusive item.


King SlimeKing Slime
Eye of CthulhuEye of Cthulhu
Eater of WorldsEater of Worlds or
Brain of CthulhuBrain of Cthulhu
Queen BeeQueen Bee
Aequus/Omega StariteOmega Starite
Wall of FleshWall of Flesh
Queen SlimeQueen Slime
Aequus/Dust DevilDust Devil
Map Icon Retinazer (second form).pngThe TwinsThe Twins
The DestroyerThe Destroyer
Skeletron PrimeSkeletron Prime
Duke FishronDuke Fishron
Empress of LightEmpress of Light
Lunatic CultistLunatic Cultist
Moon LordMoon Lord