Mana Blaze (Aequus)

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(Redirected from Aequus/Blue Fire)
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Mana Blaze is a debuff applied by several items and enemies from the Glimmer event. It prevents regeneration and causes the afflicted player to lose 8 health per second, and enemies to lose 15 health per second. When the enemy is Oiled, it lose 35 health per second instead. It is one of the many debuffs that can be removed by consuming a Pale Pufferfish.

Mana Blaze cannot be put out using water or a Water Bucket.


From weapon

From Duration Chance
Aequus/Super Star SwordSuper Star Sword 4 seconds 100% (sword)
Aequus/Starite StaffStarite Staff 2 seconds 11.11*1/9 (11.11%)
Aequus/Mothman MaskMothman Mask 5/10 seconds On Critical Strike

From enemy

From Duration Chance
Aequus/StariteStarite - Expert Mode only 2 / 3 seconds 100%
Aequus/Super StariteSuper Starite - Expert Mode only, contact damage 4 / 6 seconds 100%
Aequus/Hyper StariteHyper Starite - Expert Mode only 12 / 18 seconds 100%
Aequus/Ultra StariteUltra Starite - Expert Mode only, contact damage 12 / 18 seconds 100%
Aequus/Omega StariteOmega Starite - Expert Mode only, contact damage 4 / 6 seconds 50%


Aequus/Pale PufferfishPale Pufferfish

Immune NPCs


  • Mana Blaze was formerly known as Blue Fire.
    • Blue Fire was one of the only fire debuffs which are based on actual fire, as high temperature parts of a flame can appear blue. However, it still has the property of Terraria's magic fires, of resisting water.
  • While similar in color, Mana Blaze is not related to Frostburn or Frostbite.
  • Mana Blaze can only be inflicted onto the player in Expert Mode. As the enemies which inflict Mana Blaze instead inflict On Fire! in Classic Mode.