Aimbot Module (Clicker Class)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Clicker Class for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.
Aimbot Module
  • Aimbot Module item sprite
  • Aimbot Module equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipIncreases click damage by 10%
Increases your base click radius by 10%
Pressing the Clicker Aim Assist key will toggle aimbot, targeting nearby enemies automatically
If the target dies or is lost, a new nearby target will be selected if possible
RarityRarity level: 6
Research1 required

The Aimbot Module is a craftable Hardmode Clicker accessory. When equipped, it increases the player's click damage and clicker radius by 10%. Pressing the Clicker Aim Assist key will toggle aimbot; while toggled, a target reticle will be placed on an enemy within the clicker radius of their held clicker, causing all clicks and clicker effects to occur over the targeted enemy, regardless of where the cursor's actual position is.

The aimbot will place the target reticle over the enemy closest to the player. If the targeted enemy moves out of either the player's clicker radius or their line of sight, or is killed or enters a state where they cannot take damage, then the target reticle will transfer to whichever enemy is closet to the player. If no valid targets exist, then the target will be removed and clicks will occur back at the cursor's position.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Clicker Class/Aimbot ModuleAimbot ModuleTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
total: 1 row(s)


  • The Aim Assist Module and Aimbot Module do not take into account the Spectre Clicker's clicker effect, and instead treat it as a standard clicker with a radius multiplier of 850%.


  • Changed hotkey press to toggle aimbot; now it always attempts to find the target within range while enabled.
  • 1.3.2: Introduced.