The Alchemist is a new class added in the Orchid Mod. The Alchemist class' weapons, armor, and accessories attack by mixing different elements to add effects onto a base attack, which can cause reactions that are activated with catalysts. The class inflicts chemical damage.
The class is developed within the bounds of a vanilla pre-hardmode Terraria playthrough, with content available throughout pre-hardmode. This includes
2 armor sets,
9 accessories,
36 weapon and
5 catalysts.
The Alchemist mixes different elements to attack. There are 6 elements: Fire, Water, Nature, Air, Light, and Dark. Each weapon adds to the attack's effect. You cannot mix two of the same element.
Chemical Damage
The Alchemist's weapons hit with a specific damage type called chemical damage. Accessories and armor can be used to augment chemical damage output, and generic 'damage' buffs still increase the Alchemist's damage.
Hidden Reactions
Hidden reactions are special reactions that can be triggered and have a cooldown. Hidden reactions each have a special effect and can only be triggered with certain mixtures.
Catalytic Reactions
Specific weapons or combinations can create catalytic elements that, when popped with a catalyst, activate special effects.
The catalyst used can have various use styles, and trigger its own effects when used successfully.
Useful Links
Armor Sets
Bonuses / Effects / Notes
Cost / Source / Crafted At
Phosphorescent armor |
- Maximum potency increased by 2
- 10% increased potency regeneration
- Set Bonus: Maximum number of simultaneous alchemical elements increased by 1.
Lily armor |
- 10% increased chemical damage
- Maximum potency increased by 3
- 20% increased potency regeneration
- 20% increased alchemic main projectile velocity
- Maximum number of simultaneous alchemical elements increased by 1
- Set Bonus: Trigerring[sic] enough catalytic reactions creates a catalytic flower bud.
Buff Tooltip
Meteor Agility
Meteor Toolbelt
Gives knockback immunity and increases movement speed by 20%
Immune to knockback, 20% increased movement speed
10 seconds
Mushroom Spores
Glowing Mushroom Extract
Alchemist weapons produce more spores
Alchemist attacks will create more spores
Infinite while in Glowing Mushroom Extract's mushroom aura. Lasts 5 sec. after exiting the aura
Lesser Attractite Aura
Attractite Flask
Applies attractite like Attractite Flask but to all nearby enemies: spores will chase the closest with the debuff.
Applies attractite to nearby enemies
60 seconds
Stardust Confusion
Stardust Samples
Sunflowers spawned by Forest Samples will apply Confused on hit.
Sunflowers created by Forest Samples apply confusion
60 seconds
Misty Steps
Blood Mist Flask
Periodically releases a cloud of blood mist while moving. It deals 8 base damage and ignores damage bonuses
Periodically releases blood mist while moving
60 seconds
Demon Reek
Demon Breath
Demon Breath's projectiles will go diagonally once after their usual horizontal/vertical trajectory
Demon Breath will create more projectiles
60 seconds
Permanent Freeze
Flash Freeze
Freezes projectiles just like Flash Freeze and slows enemies around you
Constantly freezes various alchemical projectiles and slows enemies around you
60 seconds
Purifying Lilies
Jungle Lily Extract
Cleanses most common early-game debuffs and blooms jungle lilies in a big area
Each alchemical attack using 2 or more elements will release a purifying aura
60 seconds
Human Beehive
Royal Jelly
Attacking with 3 or more elements will summon bees from the player position
Attacking with 3 or more elements will summon bees
60 seconds
Reactive Elements
Reactive Vials
Increses the damage of the next mixture by 10%
10% increased chemical damage for the next chemical mixture
10 seconds
Burning Samples
Gelatinous Samples
Mixture containing Gelatinous Samples and a Fire element will release damaging embers.
Using slimy samples with a fire element will release damaging embers.
60 seconds
Stellar Talc Orbit
Stellar Talc
Makes the stars from Stellar Talc orbit the player instead of the hitted target
Stellar Talc projectiles will orbit the user
60 seconds
Spirited Droplets
Spirited Water
Chemical attacks will release Spirited Water's spirited water flames.
Chemical attacks will release spirited water flames.
60 seconds
Attractite Flask
Causes some alchemist projectiles to home in on affected enemies
Attracts nearby alchemist projectiles like spores
Varies based on number of elements in the reaction
Experimental drawback
Hidden Reactions
Prevents you from doing alchemic hidden reactions
You cannot use alchemist hidden reactions
5-30 seconds depending on reaction
Slime Slow
Slimy Flask
Reduces movement speed of affected enemies
Reduces Movement Speed
Varies based on number of elements in the reaction (5, 10, 15 sec.)
Alchemist Weapons
Fire ingredients
Pre-Hardmode Fire ingredients
Water ingredients
Pre-Hardmode Water
Air ingredients
Pre-Hardmode Air ingredients
Nature ingredients
Pre-Hardmode Nature ingredients
Other Alchemist Items