Visceral Mycelium (Orchid Mod)

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Visceral Mycelium
  • Visceral Mycelium item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipReleases floating mushrooms, exploding after a while or when being catalyzed
The more ingredients used, the more delayed the explosion
The mushroom will absorb the properties of nearby spores, creating more of them
Only one mushroom can exist at once.
RarityRarity level: 1
TypeAir Alchemist Type Air (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost1

The Visceral Mycelium is a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist weapon crafted from Vertebraes and Vicious Mushrooms found in the Crimson.
It's the counterapart of Vitriol Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Vitriol Mycelium.


ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Visceral MyceliumVisceral Mycelium
Work BenchWork Bench


  • On impact, spawns 3 floating mushrooms that explode after a short delay.
  • Adding elements in mixture spawns 3 more mushrooms and slightly increases their damage.
  • When a spore enters the mushrooms' aura, this will change color respectively and each mushroom will create 0-2 more spores of that type after exploding.
  • After the mushrooms' aura copies a spore type, it can't be changed again.
  • Visceral Mycelium's total damage output increases drastically when mixed with other elements, but doesn't increase the small AoE it has.
  • The short delay isn't always a good thing: it grants the weapon a good damage output put also makes it hard to enhance it with spores from another mixture. It's highly recommended to mix it with Extracts so the mushrooms will immediately be enchanced. Since they fly, Glowing Mushroom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Mushroom Extract isn't a good option either most of the times.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Lily Purification
Visceral Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Visceral Mycelium + Jungle Lily Extract (Orchid Mod).png Jungle Lily Extract:
Cleanses most common early-game debuffs and blooms jungle lilies around the user.
Causes 10 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Purifying Lilies
Visceral Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Visceral Mycelium + Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask + Jungle Lily Extract (Orchid Mod).png Jungle Lily Extract:
Each alchemical attack using 2 or more elements will release a purifying aura.
Causes 10 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.