Hidden Reactions (Orchid Mod)

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Hidden Reactions are special effects triggered with Mouse 3 by default or by using Hidden Reactions Codex (Orchid Mod).png Hidden Reactions Codex. Each effect can be used only after mixing the correct chemical weapons.
Using a Hidden Reaction gives the player the Experimental Drawbacks debuff, preventing it from using more for a variable amount of time depending on the mixture. Failing a Hidden Reaction grants 5 sec. of this debuff.

From version of the mod, Hidden Reactions will also refund 50% of their potency cost.

Hidden Reactions don't need to be unlocked, the player just needs to know the right weapons to mix. Once a day, the Chemist will give the player an Alchemist Recipe Scroll whose color represents its rarity. Upon using, the Scroll will reveal the components of a random Hidden Reaction with the same rarity.

The Chemist will always give the highest rarity of hint available to the player, given at least 1 Hidden Reaction for this tier of hint is still undiscovered. If that is not the case, a hint of lower rarity will be given. That process repeats up to the Rarity Level: 1 hint rarity.

A new rarity of hint is unlocked by killing bosses, in order:

Unlocked Hidden Reactions and their general info can be seen with Hidden Reactions Codex (Orchid Mod).png Hidden Reactions Codex sold by the Chemist for 10.

Hidden Reactions without a rarity have different unlocking methods:

Hidden Reactions List

  • Name Description Hint Rarity Mixture Drawback Cooldown
    Sunflower Seeds Releases damaging sunflower seeds around the player.
    Forest Samples (Orchid Mod).png Forest Samples
    Gelatinous Samples (Orchid Mod).png Gelatinous Samples
    15 seconds
    Stardust Confusion Forest Samples sunflowers inflict confusion on hit. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Forest Samples (Orchid Mod).png Forest Samples
    Stardust Samples (Orchid Mod).png Stardust Samples
    10 seconds
    Burning Samples Using slimy samples with a fire element will release damaging embers. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Ember Flask (Orchid Mod).png Ember Flask
    Gelatinous Samples (Orchid Mod).png Gelatinous Samples
    15 seconds
    Glowshroom Healing Heals the player for 25 health. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask
    Glowing Mushroom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Mushroom Extract
    15 seconds
    Mushroom Thread Creates a sample of Mushroom Thread, which can be used to create armor.
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    Glowing Mushroom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Mushroom Extract
    5 seconds
    Fire Spores Releases a sizeable amount of fire spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    20 seconds
    Water Spores Releases a sizeable amount of water spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    Waterleaf Extract (Orchid Mod).png Waterleaf Extract
    20 seconds
    Air Spores Releases a sizeable amount of air spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    Shiverthorn Extract (Orchid Mod).png Shiverthorn Extract or
    Deathweed Extract (Orchid Mod).png Deathweed Extract
    20 seconds
    Lesser Attractite Aura Applies attractite to nearby enemies.
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    15 seconds
    Propulsion Vertically propels the player. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    10 seconds
    Attractite Shurikens Creates a maximum of 5 attractite shuriken, inflicting attractite to hit enemies. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    15 seconds
    Misty Steps Releases harmful mist when moving. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Blood Mist Flask (Orchid Mod).png Blood Mist Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    Glowing Mushroom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Mushroom Extract
    20 seconds
    Permanent Freeze Constantly applies the flash freeze aura around the player. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Flash Freeze (Orchid Mod).png Flash Freeze
    Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    15 seconds
    Stellar Talc Orbit Stellar Talc projectiles will orbit the user. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Stellar Talc (Orchid Mod).png Stellar Talc
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    20 seconds
    Slime Bubble Creates a catalytic slime bubble. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Sap Bubble Creates a catalytic sap bubble. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Living Sap Flask (Orchid Mod).png Living Sap Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Oil Bubble Creates a catalytic oil bubble. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Goblin Oil (Orchid Mod).png Goblin Oil or
    Hellfire Oil (Orchid Mod).png Hellfire Oil
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Spirited Bubble Creates a catalytic spirit bubble. Rarity Level: 3 ScrollTier3 (Orchid Mod).png
    Spirited Water (Orchid Mod).png Spirited Water
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Seafoam Bubble Creates a catalytic seafoam bubble. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Seafoam Flask (Orchid Mod).png Seafoam Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Poison Bubble Creates a catalytic poison bubble. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Poison Flask (Orchid Mod).png Poison Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Lava Slime Bubble Creates a catalytic lava slime bubble. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Fiery Slime Flask (Orchid Mod).png Fiery Slime Flask
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    20 seconds
    Lily Purification Cleanses most common early-game debuffs and blooms jungle lilies around the user.
    Vitriol Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Vitriol Mycelium or
    Visceral Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Visceral Mycelium
    Jungle Lily Extract (Orchid Mod).png Jungle Lily Extract
    10 seconds
    Purifying Lilies Each alchemical attack using 2 or more elements will release a purifying aura. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Vitriol Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Vitriol Mycelium or
    Visceral Mycelium (Orchid Mod).png Visceral Mycelium
    Jungle Lily Extract (Orchid Mod).png Jungle Lily Extract
    Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask
    15 seconds
    Poisonous Slime Increases the likelyhood of spawning slime bubbles, creating spiked jungle slimes. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Poison Flask (Orchid Mod).png Poison Flask
    Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask
    20 seconds
    Bee Swarm Releases a swarm of harmful bees around the player. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Poison Flask (Orchid Mod).png Poison Flask
    Royal Jelly (Orchid Mod).png Royal Jelly
    20 seconds
    Living Beehive Every attack using 3 or more element will summon bees. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Jungle Lily Extract (Orchid Mod).png Jungle Lily Extract
    Royal Jelly (Orchid Mod).png Royal Jelly
    Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask
    25 seconds
    Bubbles Releases bubbles over a large area. Rarity Level: 2 ScrollTier2 (Orchid Mod).png
    Poison Flask (Orchid Mod).png Poison Flask
    Seafoam Flask (Orchid Mod).png Seafoam Flask
    15 seconds
    Spirited Droplets Chemical attacks will release spirited water flames. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 3 ScrollTier3 (Orchid Mod).png
    Spirited Water (Orchid Mod).png Spirited Water
    Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask
    Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or
    Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask
    20 seconds
    Demon Reeks Demon breath projectiles will replicate. See Buffs. Rarity Level: 3 ScrollTier3 (Orchid Mod).png
    Goblin Oil (Orchid Mod).png Goblin Oil or
    Hellfire Oil (Orchid Mod).png Hellfire Oil
    Demon Breath (Orchid Mod).png Demon Breath
    20 seconds
    Flipper Potion Gives 30 seconds of Flipper Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Shiverthorn Extract (Orchid Mod).png Shiverthorn Extract or
    Deathweed Extract (Orchid Mod).png Deathweed Extract
    Waterleaf Extract (Orchid Mod).png Waterleaf Extract
    30 seconds
    Night Owl Potion Gives 30 seconds of Night Owl Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Daybloom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Daybloom Extract
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    30 seconds
    Invisibility Potion Gives 30 seconds of Invisibility Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Moonglow Extract (Orchid Mod).png Moonglow Extract
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    30 seconds
    Builder Potion Gives 30 seconds of Builder Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Moonglow Extract (Orchid Mod).png Moonglow Extract
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    Shiverthorn Extract (Orchid Mod).png Shiverthorn Extract or
    Deathweed Extract (Orchid Mod).png Deathweed Extract
    30 seconds
    Featherfall Potion Gives 30 seconds of Featherfall Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Daybloom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Daybloom Extract
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask or equivalents
    30 seconds
    Obsidian Potion Gives 30 seconds of Obsidian Skin Potion effect. Rarity Level: 1 ScrollTier1 (Orchid Mod).png
    Waterleaf Extract (Orchid Mod).png Waterleaf Extract
    Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or
    Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract
    30 seconds