Flash Freeze (Orchid Mod)

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Flash Freeze
  • Flash Freeze item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipFreezes all spores, catalytic elements and lingering particles in the area
Frozen projectiles will fall to the ground and shatter
Enemies hit by the area will be slowed, duration is increased against water-coated enemies
Using a fire ingredient cancels all these effects, and coats hit enemy with alchemical water
RarityRarity level: 1
TypeWater Alchemist Type Water (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost2

The Flash Freeze is a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist that can be found in Frozen Chest.


  • Besides the area of damage, Flash Freeze has a bigger area that freezes all spores, catalytic elements and lingering particles.
  • The big area's size increases with the number of ingredients used in the mixture.
  • Frozen projectiles will fall to the ground and shatter, doing damage in a small area on impact.
  • Enemies inside the big area will be slowed: the duration is increased against water-coated enemies.
  • Using a fire ingredient cancels all these effects, and coats hit enemies with alchemical water. This may not sound very synergic, but it provides a reliable way to coat enemies in water.
  • Flash Freeze can't instantly freeze projectiles created by weapons used in the same mixture, instead you must use Flash Freeze again in order to do so freeze them.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Permanent Freeze
Flash Freeze (Orchid Mod).png Flash Freeze + Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask + Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask (or equivalents):
Constantly applies the flash freeze aura around the player.
Causes 15 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.