Blood Mist Flask (Orchid Mod)

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Blood Mist Flask
  • Blood Mist Flask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage15 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipCreates a lingering cloud of damaging mist
The mist knockback heavily scales with the number of elements used
Using fire element increases damage dealt, air increases spread
Using both negates both effects
RarityRarity level: 1
TypeWater Alchemist Type Water (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost2
 Obtained from

The Blood Mist Flask is a Pre-Hardmode Water Flask weapon that has a chance to be dropped by any enemy during a Blood Moon.


  • Blood Mist Flask creates a lingering cloud that does damage over time.
  • The cloud also does small knockback. It heavily scales with the number of elements used in the mixture.
  • The cloud damage also scales when Blood Mist Flask is used in a mixture.
  • If Blood Mist Flask is mixed with a fire element its dot increases more than usual. Instead, if it's mixed with an air element the cloud's spread increases. Using both negates both effects.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Misty Steps
Orchid Mod/Blood Mist FlaskBlood Mist Flask + Orchid Mod/Glowing Mushroom ExtractGlowing Mushroom Extract + Orchid Mod/Cloud in a FlaskCloud in a Flask or Orchid Mod/Fart in a FlaskFart in a Flask or Orchid Mod/Blizzard in a FlaskBlizzard in a Flask or Orchid Mod/Tsunami in a FlaskTsunami in a Flask:
Releases harmful mist when moving that deal 8 base damage; it ignores damage bonuses.
Causes 20 sec. of Orchid Mod/Experimental DrawbacksExperimental Drawbacks.