Spirited Water (Orchid Mod)

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Spirited Water
  • Spirited Water item sprite
  • Spirited Water equipped
Stack digit 1.png
Damage25 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipReleases lingering water flames
The flames are considered lingering particles
Has a change to release a catalytic spirited bubble
RarityRarity level: 1
TypeWater Alchemist Type Water (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost2

The Spirited Water is a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist weapon that can be found in Gold Chest inside the Dungeon.


  • Spirited Water creates Water Flames when used or mixed. They work like Spores but more than one set of them can exist at once.
  • Water Flames will chase enemies with the Attraction debuff.
  • Has a change to release a catalytic spirited bubble that splits in to Water Flames when triggered with a catalyst, like Catalytic Syringe.
  • Despite the similar behaviour, Water Flames aren't exactly like Spores. For example they can't be absorbed by Glowing Mushroom Extract.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Spirit Bubble
Spirited Water (Orchid Mod).png Spirited Water + Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask (or equivalents):
Creates a catalytic spirit bubble.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Spirited Droplets
Spirited Water (Orchid Mod).png Spirited Water + Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask + Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask or Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask:
Chemical attacks will release spirited water flames.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Orchid Mod/Spirited WaxSpirited WaxTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
total: 1 row(s)