Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod)

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Glowing Attractite Flask
  • Glowing Attractite Flask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage15 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipHit target will attract most nearby alchemical lingering projectiles
The attractivity buff will jump to the nearest target on miss
Hitting a target coated in alchemic nature deals bonus damage
Releases lingering nature spores
Spores deals 10% increased damage against fire-coated enemies
RarityRarity level: 4
TypeNature Alchemist Type Nature (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost2

The Glowing Attractite Flask is a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist weapon crafted using Attractite Flask and Moonglow Extract.


ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Glowing Attractite FlaskGlowing Attractite Flask
Work BenchWork Bench


  • Glowing Attractite Flask has the same properties of Attractite Flask and Moonglow Extract. It is better since uses 2 potency (not 3 as Attractite Flask) and spawns Nature Spores, even while using Hidden Reactions.
  • Hit target will attract nearby spores and bud's petals.
  • Mixing other weapons with this one will extend the range of the Attraction debuff, not the area of damage.
  • Glowing Attractite Flask creates Nature Spores.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Fire Spores
Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask + Blinkroot Extract (Orchid Mod).png Blinkroot Extract or Fireblossom Extract (Orchid Mod).png Fireblossom Extract:
Releases a sizeable amount of fire spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Water Spores
Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask + Waterleaf Extract (Orchid Mod).png Waterleaf Extract:
Releases a sizeable amount of water spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Air Spores
Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask + Shiverthorn Extract (Orchid Mod).png Shiverthorn Extract or Deathweed Extract (Orchid Mod).png Deathweed Extract:
Releases a sizeable amount of air spores, which doesn't destroy existing ones.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Attractite Shurikens
Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask + Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask:
Creates a maximum of 5 attractite shuriken, inflicting attractite to hit enemies.
Causes 15 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.
  • Spirited Droplets
Glowing Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Glowing Attractite Flask + Spirited Water (Orchid Mod).png Spirited Water + Gunpowder Flask (Orchid Mod).png Gunpowder Flask:
Chemical attacks will release spirited water flames.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.