Living Sap Flask (Orchid Mod)

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Living Sap Flask
  • Living Sap Flask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage4 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipCreates a healing living sap bubble if used with other ingredients
If an air element is used, healing is doubled
Has a chance to release a bigger, catalytic sap bubble
On reaction, heals the player and coats enemies in alchemical nature
RarityRarity level: 1
TypeNature Alchemist Type Nature (Orchid Mod).png
Potency cost1

The Living Sap Flask is a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist weapon that can be found in Chest inside Living Trees.


  • After Living Sap Flask is mixed with another element and hits a block or an enemy it creates a sap bubble that restores 3 Health to the player + 3 per element used in the reaction (which means a minimun of 9 when mixed with another element). If Air was one of them, the healing will then be doubled.
  • Has a chance to release a big catalytic sap bubble that restores 30 to the player when triggered. This healing can't be doubled with an Air element. It also coats enemies in alchemical nature in a large area.
  • Living Flask's sap bubbles can be triggered with some weapons or items, like Catalytic Syringe.
  • All healing effects from Living Sap Flask are not affected by damage bonuses.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Sap Bubble
Living Sap Flask (Orchid Mod).png Living Sap Flask + Cloud in a Flask (Orchid Mod).png Cloud in a Flask (or equivalents):
Creates a catalytic sap bubble.
Causes 20 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.