Corrupt Catalyst (Orchid Mod)

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Corrupt Catalyst
  • Corrupt Catalyst item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipUsed to interact with alchemist catalytic elements
Upon successful catalysis, burns nearby enemies in shadowflames
Hit an enemy to apply catalyzed
Catalyzed replaces most alchemical debuffs
RarityRarity level: 1

The Corrupt Catalyst is an Alchemist item that can be used to trigger catalytic reactions. Using this item on a catalytic element spawned by an Alchemist weapon will trigger its catalytic reaction, while also burn nearby enemies in shadowflames. This item can only be used on catalytic elements, and deals no direct damage to enemies.

Syringes also apply Catalyzed on enemies. Catalyzed encompasses Attraction.

It has a 1/5 (20%) chance of dropping from destroyed Shadow Orbs, but it can also be acquired by looting Corrupt Crates, which are obtained by fishing in the Corruption.

Burns enemies for about 3 sec.

It's the counterpart of Crimson Catalyst.