Brewing for Dummies (Orchid Mod)

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Brewing for Dummies
  • Brewing for Dummies item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipAllows mixing alchemical weapons with the hotbar keys
Press the corresponding key to mix a specific item
Use the mouse wheel to change the displayed element
Up to 10 items can be displayed at once
RarityRarity level: 1

The Brewing for Dummies is an item sold by Chemist for 10. It an essential item for an Alchemist: it allows quicker inventory navigation and mixing.

After clicking (Right or Left click) with the item a list of items will be open on the player's position: it displays up to 10 chemical weapons of one element from your Potion Bag (Orchid Mod).png Potion Bag (first) and from your inventory (after).

You can now choose the weapon you want to mix from one element with the hotbar keys. This process is repeated for each element.

Brewing for Dummies takes the element from the first weapon in your Potion Bag (Orchid Mod).png Potion Bag / inventory and shows up to 10 chemical weapons with that element. The following one will be picked at random. You can switch element with the mouse wheel.

You can shoot the mixture with Left click at any time.

If you don't have any more elements or you have mixed too much weapons already, this icon will appear instead: Alchemist Keys UI Empty (Orchid Mod).png

There's an alternative to this item: The Alchemist's Cookbook (Orchid Mod).png The Alchemist's Cookbook uses the mouse instead.

Brewing for Dummies' UI with Air weapons