Attractite Shuriken (Orchid Mod)

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Attractite Shuriken
  • Attractite Shuriken item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Damage5 (Chemical)
Critical chance4%
TooltipInflicts Attractite to hit enemies
RarityRarity level: 0

The Attractite Shuriken are a Pre-Hardmode Alchemist weapon created with a Hidden Reaction.


Attractite Shurikens are an unusual but useful weapon for Alchemists. They can be used to directly apply the Attractite effect to enemies, luring alchemic spores and similars to them. They are best used to quickly apply the Attraction debuff to enemies when mixing together an attack is not feasible, or just to save up potency.

Hidden Reactions

Full explanation of Hidden Reactions.

  • Attractite Shurikens
Attractite Flask (Orchid Mod).png Attractite Flask + Slimy Flask (Orchid Mod).png Slimy Flask:
Creates a maximum of 5 Attractite Shurikens, inflicting attractite to hit enemies
Causes 15 sec. of Experimental Drawbacks (Orchid Mod).png Experimental Drawbacks.