Overloaded Scandrone (Storm's Additions Mod)

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Overloaded Scandrone
Overloaded Scandrone Phase 1 Animated (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
Overloaded Scandrone Icon (Storm's Additions Mod).png
Map Icon
AI TypeUnique
Damage100 / 150 / 200 (Dash)
70 / 100 / 150 (Bolts)
80 / 120 / 180 (Small Mines)
70 / 100 / 150 (Bombs)
70 / 100 / 150 (Lightning)
Max Life40000 / 60000 / 84000
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused
Overloaded ScandronePhase 2
Overloaded Scandrone Phase 2 Animated (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
Overloaded Scandrone Icon P2 (Storm's Additions Mod).png
Map Icon
AI TypeUnique
Damage100 / 150 / 200 (Dash)
70 / 100 / 150 (Bolts)
80 / 120 / 180 (Small Mines)
70 / 100 / 150 (Bombs)
70 / 100 / 150 (Lightning)
90 / 140 / 210 (Large mines)
Max Life20000/40000 / 30000/60000 / 42000/84000
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused
Overloaded ScandronePhase 3
Overloaded Scandrone Phase 3 Animated (Storm's Additions Mod).gif
Overloaded Scandrone Icon P3 (Storm's Additions Mod).png
Map Icon
AI TypeUnique
Damage150 / 200 (Dash)
126 / 189 (Lightning)
140 / 210 (Large mines)
Max Life6000/60000 / 8400/84000
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfused

Not to be confused with the vortex enemy Scandrone.
"A terrifying experiment that escaped from the vortex homeworld prematurely, infused with tons of lunar energy, this empowered Scandrone is capable of unleashing a range of powerful attacks onto foes"

The Overloaded Scandrone is a boss that is summoned using a Storm's Additions Mod/Storm BeaconStorm Beacon once all 3 mechanical bosses have been defeated. It drops a bunch of weapons that function similarly to some of the boss's attacks, as well as some equipment and wings. Its expert accessory allows the player to place a portal that continuously fires out lightning bolts. While the boss is alive the weather will change to a storm which only goes away once the boss is defeated or all players are dead.

It can be fought in place of the Plantera if the config option is enabled, and defeating it triggers everything that defeating the Plantera did, and it also drops the Temple key.

Phase 1

When spawned the boss will fly to directly above above the player, before performing the following attack cycle:

  • It will loosely orbit the player while firing a spread of scandrone bolts at them, after firing a few spreads of bolts it will dash towards the player while leaving behind small scandrone mines, which charge towards the player after a couple of seconds.
  • It will fly above and sweep over the player while dropping many Scandrone Bombs that obey gravity and linger on platforms and explode on contact with the player or after a few seconds, they will fall through platforms if they're above the player.
  • It will position itself above the player and spin around, and will summon a ring of 3/5/6 lighting portals around the player that remain relative to the player's position for a couple of seconds. The lightning portal will stop following the player and then less than half a second later will all fire a lightning bolt towards the center of the portal ring. It performs this attack 3 times.
  • It will position itself to the players right or left depending on the players direction, and will fire lightning horizontally towards the player several times.
  • It will once again fly above and sweep over the player and drop the Scandrone Bombs.
  • The attack pattern repeats for the duration of the phase

Phase 2

A 50% life, the boss will let out a roar and will seemlessly transition into the second phase, where it has a more damaged appearance. It mostly follows the same attack pattern, however all attacks are now faster or have an additional attack.

  • It performs its orbit and dash attack but it fires scandrone bolts at a faster rate, and its dash is now quicker with less recovery time and summons more small mines.
  • It performs its bomb dropping phase, where it drops bombs more rapidly.
  • It performs its lightning portal attack, but summons them at a faster rate with it being able to perform it 4 times.
  • It performs the horizontal lightning attack, but each time it fires the lightning bolt it summons 4/5/6 lightning portals above the player a random distance apart, that remain relative to the players horizontal position, before firing a lightning bolt directly downwards.
  • It performs a new attack where it will perform 5 large dashes at the player, while leaving behind large Scandrone mines which act similarly to the smaller mines, but are faster and have a larger explosion radius. All dashes but the first are aimed slightly in front of the player.
  • It will perform its bomb attack again, still with the increased bomb drop rate.
  • The attack pattern repeats for the duration of the phase, or until the boss is defeated on normal mode.

Phase 3

Upon reaching 10% life on Expert or Master mode the boss will stop performing its attacks and gains a very damaged appearance, and also becomes immune to damage. It will position itself directly above the player, and will back up slightly before performing its final attack. It becomes vulnerable to attacks and loses all defence once it begins to attack again.

  • It will continuously dash towards the player, aiming slightly in front of the player, while leaving behind large Scandrone mines, similarly to its new attack in the second phase. It will also summon a single lightning portal every dash, that acts identically to those in the portal ring attack.
  • It performs this attack continuously until it is defeated.



  • Like the Lunatic Cultist, the Overloaded Scandrone takes 25% less damage from homing projectiles and minions.
  • The boss will move faster the further away it is from the player, making it very difficult to escape from without a magic mirror.
  • The boss deals no contact damage when it is not dashing.
  • The boss cannot be summoned until all 3 mechanical bosses have been defeated.
  • If the boss kills all players it will fly upwards and despawn.
  • Boss 4 will play while the boss is alive.
  • The bosses weather changing mechanic can be disabled via the configuration menu
  • On For the Worthy worlds the boss with have an aura around it, and if the player is within this aura they are inflicted with the Marked for Target debuff which removes all their defense.
  • If Calamity's Vengeance mode is enabled the boss's health is multiplied by 1.25 and the damage of all attacks is multiplied by 1.33.
    • For Death mode the boss's health is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of all attacks is multiplied by 1.66.


  • This was the first boss added to the mod.
  • The lightning portal attack used to be Expert+ only, but it was bought to normal mode albeit with fewer portals.