Ionized Jelly Crystal (Calamity's Vanities)

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Ionized Jelly Crystal
  • Ionized Jelly Crystal item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Pet Summon
Use time19 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons the pinnacle of slime evolution

'Did you ever hear the tragedy of Goozma The Amorphous Deity? I thought not. It's not a story the Tyrant would tell you.
It's an Overseer legend. Goozma was the ultimate evolution of all slimes, so powerful it could influence the cells that comprise all other slime.
It could even create new slime gods, with affinities to the world's biomes.
The energy of the world is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
It became so powerful that the only thing it was afraid of was losing it's power, which eventually, of course, it did.
Unfortunately, Goozma's power grew so great for it to become a temporal anomaly.
A temporal anomaly which a power beyond our universe had no choice but to erase, so that it never existed in the first place.
Ironic. The very growth in power which made Goozma a deity in the first place, was also the cause of its demise'
Grants BuffCalamity's Vanities/Goozma (buff)Goozma
Buff tooltipThe last trace of that which has been erased from time itself...
RarityRarity level: 11
Research1 required
Dropped by
Entity Quantity Rate Requirement
The Slime God 1 2%
Summons Pet


Goozma (Calamity's Vanities).png

The Ionized Jelly Crystal is a craftable pet summoning item which is also rarely dropped by The Slime God. It summons a small Goozma to follow the player. Whenever the player enters a new biome, or during certain events, a slime will appear and orbit Goozma until up to four slimes are orbiting, after which, the oldest slime is replaced once a new one is needed.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Calamity's Vanities/Ionized Jelly CrystalIonized Jelly CrystalStatic RefinerStatic Refiner
total: 1 row(s)


  • The item's tooltip is a reference to The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
    • This is by far the longest tooltip of any item in Calamity's Vanities.
  • The pet is based on the fanmade Goozma boss from the long-cancelled Emphatic Untamed Calamity addon. The sprite design is unrelated to the Goozma featured in the Hunt of the Old God mod.
  • The Auric slime deities are based on a scrapped Auric Slime enemy.