Acid Lamp (Calamity's Vanities)

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Acid Lamp
  • Acid Lamp item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Pet Summon
Use time19 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons a Sulphurous Skater Nymph
'There seems to be an egg inside'
Grants BuffCalamity's Vanities/Sulphurous Skater Nymph (buff)Sulphurous Skater Nymph
Buff tooltipFeed it acidic bubbles for it to grow stronger!
RarityRarity level: 5
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Sulphurous Skater15%
Summons Pet

Skater Nymph

Sulphurous Skater Nymph (Calamity's Vanities).png

The Acid Lamp is a pet summoning item dropped by Sulphurous Skaters. It summons a Sulphurous Skater Nymph to follow the player. The nymph initially starts grounded, but is able to collect bubbles generated by the Sulphurous Sea, Sulphurous armor's set bonus jump, and Urchin Stinger's stealth strike, granting it the ability to fly until respawned.