Woods (Avalon)

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  • Bleached Ebony (Avalon).png Coughwood (Avalon).png Resistant Wood (Avalon).png Apocalyptus Wood (Avalon).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions1 × 1
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Research100 required
For the vanilla wood types, see Woods.

Wood is a type of block that is generally obtained by cutting down trees using an axe or a chainsaw.

There are 4 different types of Wood added by the mod. Crafting recipes that include Any Wood as an ingredient can use any type except Dynasty Wood. Some resulting items may differ in appearance depending on Wood type used, while providing exactly the same use.


Type Placed Source
Avalon/Bleached Ebony Bleached Ebony Bleached Ebony (placed) (Avalon).png Avalon/Ebony treeEbony tree
Avalon/Coughwood Coughwood Coughwood (placed) (Avalon).png Avalon/Coughwood treeCoughwood tree
Avalon/Resistant Wood Resistant Wood Resistant Wood (placed) (Avalon).png Avalon/Resistant treeResistant tree
Avalon/Apocalyptus Wood Apocalyptus Wood Apocalyptus Wood (placed) (Avalon).png n/a

Each type of Wood (except Apocalyptus) has a respective:


Recipes (normal Wood)

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)

Used in (normal Wood)

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Avalon/Wooden ClubWooden ClubWork BenchWork Bench
total: 1 row(s)

Used in (any Wood)

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Avalon/Mystical Tome PageMystical Tome PageAvalon/Tome ForgeTome Forge
Avalon/Bismuth AxeBismuth AxeIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Avalon/Nickel AnvilNickel Anvil
Avalon/Bismuth HammerBismuth Hammer
Avalon/Bismuth PickaxeBismuth Pickaxe
Avalon/Bronze AxeBronze Axe
Avalon/Bronze HammerBronze Hammer
Avalon/Bronze PickaxeBronze Pickaxe
Avalon/A Flowerless PlantA Flowerless PlantWork BenchWork Bench
total: 8 row(s)


Template:Avalon/Master Template Tiles