Zircon (Avalon)

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  • Zircon item sprite
  • Zircon placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions1 × 1
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Research15 required
Obtained from Obtained from
A player encountering a small deposit of Zircon.
Main article: Avalon/Gems

Zircon is a Pre-Hardmode Gem found within the Underground and Cavern layers of the world. They are obtained by breaking special blocks that have noticeable brown gemstones embedded in them. They can also be extracted from Silt, Slush, Desert Fossil, Compressed Extractination Block, or Compressed Desert Fossil by putting them in an Extractinator. Rarely, Zircon can be found in its own Gemstone Cave mini biome, or in one that contains all of the other gems as well (besides Amber).

They can be crafted back into their Stone Block forms at a Heavy Work Bench in a Graveyard biome, and can be obtained by cutting down a Zircon Gem Tree. They also have a 20*2/10 (20%) chance to be dropped by Geodes.

Like all other gems, Zircon can be placed on blocks.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Avalon/ZirconZirconShimmerShimmer Transmutation
total: 2 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Avalon/Brown TorchBrown Torch (10)By Hand
Avalon/Zircon GemcornZircon Gemcorn
Avalon/Zircon Gem LockZircon Gem LockHeavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench
Avalon/Zircon Stone BlockZircon Stone Block
Avalon/Brown PhasebladeBrown PhasebladeIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Avalon/Nickel AnvilNickel Anvil
Avalon/Large ZirconLarge Zircon
Avalon/Zircon AmuletZircon Amulet
Avalon/Zircon HookZircon Hook
Avalon/Zircon StaffZircon Staff
Avalon/Zircon RobeZircon RobeLoomLoom
Avalon/PeridotPeridotShimmerShimmer Transmutation
Avalon/Brown Stained GlassBrown Stained Glass (20)Work BenchWork Bench
Avalon/Zircon Gemspark BlockZircon Gemspark Block (20)
total: 13 row(s)


  • 1.3: Individual placed sprite updated.
  • 1.0.0: Introduced.